A Cleaner Burning Alternative

Introducing the Wayne Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser – our robust and high-performance dispenser, specifically designed to deliver liquified petroleum gas (LPG) effortlessly to LPG-powered vehicles. It’s a model perfectly placed to set your business apart from the competition. The Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser is convenient, attractive and secure, it’s exactly what forecourts need to entice the environmentally-friendly motorist. This dispenser allows you to differentiate the fuel offering on your forecourt, providing choice to consumers as they move away from conventionally-fuelled vehicles and towards a more diverse way of powering their journey.

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A Multitude of Configurations

LPG is considered a cleaner-burning fuel and has long been a popular alternative to conventional fuel. The Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser has an incredibly modular design and is the ideal solution for sites looking to add LPG to their fuel offering. The Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser is available as a standalone model, but can also be configured as a back-to-back model to offer up to three conventional fuels alongside LPG in the same frame.

Calm, Connected and in Control

Utilizing advanced IoT technology this model effortlessly connects to our powerful DFS DX™ connected solutions platform to provide you with advanced remote management and diagnostics monitoring - Keep calm, you’re connected.

Reliable Performance

The Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser leverages decades of hydraulic innovation, quality materials and best-of-the-best global components to ensure low total cost of ownership (TCO). A more reliable dispenser means fewer service callouts, lower service and improved dispenser uptime. The Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser is built to last.

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