Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

LPG is a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons produced from natural gas and oil extraction and from oil refining. It is automatically generated during the production of methane and during the refining process itself. LPG has lower greenhouse gas emissions than other fossil fuels when measured on a total fuel cycle. 

  1. Tokheim Quantium® FS LPG dispenser

    There's no denying the demand for energy is diverging into alternative fuels and new energies. At DFS, we’re taking steps to offer our leading technology in a product portfolio that cover the same wide range of alternative fuels. Engineered to deliver Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the brand-new Tokheim Quantium® FS LPG dispenser is unobtrusive and uncomplicated, yet powerful and efficient. Built with precision and flexibility in mind, this dispenser might be the missing element that you, as a forecourt owner, have been looking for.

  2. Tokheim Quantium® ML LPG dispenser

    The Tokheim Quantium® ML dispenser range is designed to deliver outstanding, reliable performance, each and every time. The Tokheim Quantium® ML LPG dispenser model is by no means an exception. Built from the same, strong, durable components by the same knowledgable industry experts as the rest of the range, this dispenser is the workhorse your forecourt needs to send it on its way to supporting a more diverse, greener future. The Quantium® ML LPG dispenser is the theatre performance you keep coming back to see. The chef’s special on the menu that you know will never let you down. The friend who’ll always be there, no matter what time you call. For reliable, trusted LPG dispensing, you need look no further.

  3. Wayne Century™ 3 LPG dispenser

    Introducing the Wayne Helix Century™ 3 LPG dispenser, our high-performance, robust dispenser designed to deliver liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) smoothly and effectively to LPG-powered vehicles. Created to meet the growing need for alternative fuels, this dispenser is built to be customized through modularity, giving you the capability to design the LPG solution you need for your business outfit. Small, but perfectly designed, the Century™ 3 LPG dispenser is ideal for retail forecourt environments or private fleet businesses that are limited when it comes to space, but that still need the convenience associated with having an on-site LPG dispenser. Broaden your retail with the Century™ 3 LPG dispenser, and help with the wider distribution and availability of LPG fuel in the European market.

  4. Wayne Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser

    Introducing the Wayne Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser – our robust and high-performance dispenser, specifically designed to deliver liquified petroleum gas (LPG) effortlessly to LPG-powered vehicles. It’s a model perfectly placed to set your business apart from the competition. The Helix® 6000 II LPG dispenser is convenient, attractive and secure, it’s exactly what forecourts need to entice the environmentally-friendly motorist. This dispenser allows you to differentiate the fuel offering on your forecourt, providing choice to consumers as they move away from conventionally-fuelled vehicles and towards a more diverse way of powering their journey.

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