Automatic Vehicle Identification

OPW Fuel Management Systems can provide your fleet with the highest level of fuel security, accountability, control and convenience. Through the technological development of a range of highly sophisticated parts, the service can protect fleets during unattended fueling operations, by automatically capturing and transmitting data. The service is ideal for municipal, school and military fleets, as well as sanitation, utilities and other private fleets.

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Vehicle Identification System​

Traffics data with the RFN and VID while integrated with the OPW FSC3000 fuel site controller. Compatible with Phoenix fuel management software.


The system does not require activation devices, such as cards, which are easily lost, to authorize fueling.


The system provides a fool-proof way to prevent high-cost cases of fuel theft.


Real-time data capture, including vehicle identification, optional driver verification and optional mileage, is 100% correct, every time.


With no manual data entry needed by drivers, vehicles can pull-up, fill-up and go.

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