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  • Dispensor Sensors | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Supply Chain Optimization AVAILABLE IN MEA 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert View Brochure Now You Can: Schedule , execute , and confirm deliveries from depot to tank! The algorithms support planners to increase and enhance trucking efficiencies. The user friendly and intuitive software screens show real time truck and fuel station data, which helps planners to improve their responsiveness to operational issues. Read Press Release 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 1 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 2 3 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Let Us Help You Bring Your Costs Down Optimized Sourcing Increased Truck Productivity Better Administration Less Chance of Error Improved Customer Service Greater Visibility Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • Dispensor Sensors | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Synergy FSC AVAILABLE IN NORTH AMERICA 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert Read Press Release 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Robust hardware platform 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Forecourt connectivity 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Software 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Customer Feature PetroVend Synergy FSC™ FSC3000® Mileage OR Engine Hours Reasonability Multi-Site Singe-Site Vehicle Maintenance Tracking Enhanced Basic Number of Cards Unlimited Limited Transaction Memory Unlimited (3 years retention) Limited Transaction Limits Daily No Support for Extended Prompts Enhanced Controls & Prompt Pools Collection Only Maintenance User Role (Vehicle Cards) Yes (Cloud) No Legacy PetroNet Support Yes Yes Fleet Networks Support Coming Soon Yes Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • EV Charging Solutions and Stations | Dover Fueling Solutions

    Top of EV page AVAILABLE IN NORTH AMERCIA 水箱测量 在DFS,我们提供业界最全面的油箱测量产品系列,从创新的油箱测量仪和尖端的探头,到最先进的油箱校准服务,所有这些都在业界掀起了一场风暴。我们鼓励你探索可供你使用的大量产品,以帮助改善你的燃料业务。如果你正在寻找一个完整的解决方案,而不是一个特定的产品类型,如与湿货、付款、车队或媒体有关的产品,仅举几例,我们也有精心考虑的产品和服务套件,可以真正推动你的业务达到新的水平。 Speak to an Expert Experience the new Wayne PWR™ at PEI-NACS 2024! DFS Booth #7121 October 8-10, 2024 Discover More Chad Bass Director, Product Management - EV Charging “Electric Vehicles are only one piece of the puzzle as countries strive to become carbon-neutral. The companies that can continue to improve existing fuel dispensing markets while developing new technology that provides leadership in the clean energy space will succeed. That is where DFS shines. We have over 130 years of experience designing and dispensing multiple energy sources, and with Wayne PWR™, we know we can improve the industry through relentless reliability.” Engineered for Durability 我們帶領您進入一個充滿可能性的新世界。您還在等什麼?動力車輛現今正在向新世代邁進。 Generate New Revenue Streams and Unlock Driver Insights Leverage EV charging data to glean insights and provide personalized experiences. Monitor status of chargers in real time with cloud-based charge station management system. Unrivaled Manufacturing Quality With the 130+ year Wayne legacy of excellence and innovation, and designed and manufactured in the USA, Wayne PWR™ features a sleek, compact, NEVI compliant design that is highly reliable and easy to maintain. Comprehensive Service Remote diagnostics, proactive monitoring, heartbeat checks with a nationwide service network. Engaging, Customizable Interface 我們帶領您進入一個充滿可能性的新世界。您還在等什麼?動力車輛現今正在向新世代邁進。 Easy, Secure Payments Featuring the POS agnostic PAX payment platform at launch, with integration of Wayne iX Pay® secure payment platform coming soon. Thoughtfully Designed Allowing for custom branding on the charger exterior and digital screen, Wayne PWR™ features a sleek, compact aesthetic plus green and red post lights indicating charger status from a distance. Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • Dispensor Sensors | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Top of sensors page 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert View Brochure Alieviate Worry You don't want your business to be crippled by the presence of unwanted substances or liquids on site or within equipment. Our sensors facilitate the quick alert to any issues that may cause problems for both you and your customers, such as water ingress within the fuel tank. Automatic Deactivation If unwanted substances or liquids are detected, certain sensors are able to quickly disconnect or deactivate the equipment affected instantly, such as disable a fuel dispenser from being used. Audible alarms are also an integral part of a selection of the majority of our sensors, so that notifications are not missed. IntelliSense Technology IntelliSense technology delivers the ability to monitor all areas of the fuel site, such as tank interstice, piping sumps, STP containment sumps, dispenser sumps/pans and monitoring wells. This proprietary technology is designed so that SiteSentinel Integra 100 and Integra 500 tank gauges, regardless of the type or place of installation, will know immediately what type of sensor is connected and the model number and name. 我们的传感器 体积线泄漏检测器(VLLD) - 利用高精度流量传感器,VLLD提供了一种行业领先的方法来检测和测量燃料管道中的泄漏。VLLD可以测试直径为1.5英寸至4英寸的管道的体积,并可以监控刚性管道,柔性管道或两者的组合,使其成为任何现场配置的理想泄漏检测解决方案。 压力线泄漏检测器(PLLD)- 我们的压力线泄漏检测器(PLLD)传感器可监控站点操作过程中的压力衰减或下降。 安装在制造商的潜水涡轮泵中,如果压力读数与标准值不同并且可能表明存在泄漏,则PLLD传感器将发出警报。 我们的PLLD传感器在全泵压力下以每小时0.1加仑和0.2加仑(gph)的压力执行精密管路泄漏测试,并进行压力衰减测试以满足美国的要求。 EPA 3.0 gph测试要求。 ​ ​ 带水指示剂的间质碳氢液体传感器(区分) - 用于双壁罐的间质(环形)空间。 ​ ​ 碳氢化合物液体传感器(无差别)或带水指示剂的碳氢化合物液体传感器(有差别) ​ ​ 碳氢化合物液体污水传感器 - 检测碳氢化合物液体或蒸气的存在。用于油槽和分配器盘。 ​ ​ 双液位储层传感器 – 监控储罐中充满液体的间隙空间中盐溶液的液位。 单浮子传感器 - 可以在任何油槽中使用,并检测是否存在液体。 ​ ​ 间隙光学液体传感器 - 主要用于监视双壁罐的间隙区域,也可以用于油槽和分配器盘中,但必须在没有光线的区域中使用。 ​ ​ 蒸汽传感器 – 检测干燥罐间隙或干燥监测井中的碳氢化合物蒸汽。 下载手册 Discover Probes Discover DX Wetstock® Discover Consoles Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • Log In UAT | Dover Fueling Solutions

    单击下面的链接以访问受密码保护的 DFS 应用程序。 DFS 美国外联网 - UAT 访问 > DFS 用户管理暂存 访问 > DX 零售 访问 >

  • Dispensor Sensors | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 DFS Order Kiosk AVAILABLE IN EMEA 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert Read Press Release ONE ORDER KIOSK, MULTIPLE EXPERIENCES View Brochure Enhanced Expereince Have your customers place orders independently and make transactions quickly. All food orders can be customized during the order process with available add-on’s and modifiers, in turn, creating an experience that is personalized and special to the shopper. While the DFS Order Kiosk™ improves the overall customer experience, it also helps to reduce queues and waiting times in the c-store. It’s a win-win! Improved Sales Whatever offers you’ve chosen to display on the DFS Order Kiosk™, they will be on display to the customer at all times (before, during, and after the order process), hopefully encouraging additional purchases, while providing an opportunity for you to increase profit margins. In fact, the average basket size could grow by up to 25% - 35%. Both cross-selling and up-selling can be done efficiently and smoothly, whether your customers are using the DFS Order Kiosk™ in-store, via the mobile app, or the website. Streamlined Operations Have your employees focus on other areas of the business, while customers order food independently. Free up time for your staff by at least 21%! Aside from improving employee efficiency, the DFS Order Kiosk™ can help monitor and track orders and sales, as it’s fully integrated with Prizma , — Dover Fueling Solutions’® (DFS) connected mobility and convenience hub. The system automatically tracks orders and table numbers, provides visibility on orders and food handling, as well as external sales. As a result, giving your employees one less thing to worry about and consequently, saving time, reducing stress, and minimizing human error. CAN BE INSTALLED ON A COUNTERTOP AVAILABLE WALL-MOUNTED AVAILABLE AS A STAND-ALONE UNIT Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • Dispensor Sensors | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Learning AVAILABLE GLOBAL 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Discover More Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • DX Monitor | Dover Fueling Solutions

    Top of DX Monitor page 与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Looking for a similar solution available in the EMEA region? Discover RDM by DFS . AVAILABLE IN NORTH AMERICA 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert View Brochure 65% maintenance cost reduction 25% of issues resolved by remote dispenser reboots Strong fuel flow = happier customers Reducing CO₂ levels Resolve issues before they cause an impact Proactively manage fueling points to ensure dispensers and payment operations are running smoothly, as well as receive updates on fueling point and payment module health, alerting you to issues before they impact your customers' - or your own - bottom line. View Infographic View White Paper Keep your payment modules up-to-date and secure DX Monitor® enables dispenser and payment-related software updates through centralized and remote software upgrades. Eliminating the need for site visits to perform software upgrades saves both time and money. Deacrease maintenance costs and boost operational efficiency Monitor the flow rates of every fueling point and grade, remotely reboot a payment module for basic troubleshooting, and view dispenser logs before traveling to site to decrease maintenance costs and improve overall operational efficiency. Highly secure and scalable web-based application built on the Microsoft Azure IoT platform... Allows for secure communications with, and management of, a number of remote devices. Remote upgrades...​ Provide the ability to bulk distribute and validate upgrades to connected devices, saving time and cost otherwise spent on site visits. ​ Enhanced safety and security... Offers real-time visibility over safety and security events, prompting immediate awareness and action. Proactive, condition-based equipment state evaluation... By preventing equipment degradation or failure and proactively mitigating issues during low-traffic times, equipment utilization is maximized and customer experience is enhanced. Remote diagnostics and troubleshooting... By providing remote access to site equipment alarms, operating state and parameters, physical attendance to site by maintenance personnel can be avoided, reducing costs. View FAQ View Min. Requirements Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • 登录 | Dover Fueling Solutions

    DFS Application Login 单击下面的链接以访问受密码保护的 DFS 应用程序。 DFS Extranet Log In > DX Promote® Log In > DX Fleet® Log In > BLC Log In > Fairbanks Station Manager 365 Log In > DX Monitor® Log In > DX Wetstock® Log In > Fairbanks Log In > DX Retail® Log In > ClearView Compliance & Asset Management Log In > ClearView Wetstock Management Log In > One Portal Log In > ClearView eSite Register T-Media™ by DFS ClearView Contractor Access Log In > Log In > Log In > Payment Portal Log In > Aftermarket Parts Log In >

  • Dispensor Sensors | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Wayne EMV 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert What do I need to enable EMV on my fueling site? You’ll need current DFS EMV capable hardware and payment software on your forecourt equipment, which — depending on the age of your current dispensers— may include card readers, a complete internal component retrofit kit or a bolt-on EMV payment terminal. Lastly, you’ll need upgraded POS software that has been certified with your payment host/acquirer. When can I begin upgrading my site? You can begin upgrading your dispenser hardware and site connectivity today. DFS has a retrofit solution for almost every dispenser manufactured in the last 15 years. Contact your distributor or DFS Sales Representative today to start planning your hardware upgrade path. Is there financing available for Wayne EMV equipment? DFS is offering a financing program with rates as low as 2.19% for up to 60 months. To find out more, contact your DFS regional sales manager to lock in a great rate for your EMV upgrade purchase. 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 View Guide 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 View Certification Dates COMPLIANCE LEVELS Finance: 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Learn More Distributors & Station Owners: Need to find a DFS rep or ready to get started? Contact us today! Speak to an Expert Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • Tank Consoles | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Top of PLLD page 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert View Brochure The ProGauge PLLD system is: Easy to install and provides a seamless operation, to meet everyday business and environmental compliance needs ​ ​ Developed and certified to meet the most demanding industry requirements ​ ​ ​ Third-party certified for 0.1, 0.2 and 3 gallons per hour (gph) according to U.S. EPA test requirements ​ ​ Able to monitor the integrity of pressurized product lines, regardless of the type of pipe used or site configuration How does the PLLD system work? The ProGauge PLLD system is easy to install and includes an straightforward setup, with an automatic learning mechanism to detect product pipeline characteristics and the automatic adjustment of calibration settings. ​ A digital pressure sensor is installed per pressure line, directly on a 2” test port on a STP head, as to not disturb normal product flow. The PLLD sensor is constructed in stainless steel and caries all required safety certifications. The PLLD system performs daily, monthly and annual tests as per EPA rules. The system also monitors line pressure during fueling cycles. If an abnormal pressure drop is detected during dispensing, the system will automatically stop the STP. When the station is quite or idle, the system monitors the static line pressure. If a pressure drop is detected, the system will automatically run a 3.0 GPH test to check the line integrity. In the event a leak is detected, the PLLD system can be set to automatically shut down the STP, ensuring environmental damage is minimized. The MagLink LX Plus consoles sophisticated algorithm will automatically compensate product temperature variations, and minimize possible false alarms caused. 我们相信选择 DISCOVER Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • DX Fleet | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Top of DX Fleet AVAILABLE IN NORTH AMERICA & LATIN AMERICA 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert View Brochure DEVICE ALERTS AND NOTIFICATIONS CENTRALIZED DASHBOARD VISIBILITY MANAGE YOUR FLEET ENTERPRISE VIA MOBILE Manage your entire fleet fueling enterprise from a single cloud-based interface DX Fleet® simplifies fleet fueling operations management. From a single cloud-based interface, you can determine user access rights, analyze transactions, view reports, and leverage business insights to improve business efficiency and reduce costs across your entire fleet fueling enterprise. View White Paper Manage your feet fueling enterprise and receive reports in real time Reduce the risk of fraud or delays with your fleet fuel sites through the use of real-time alerts on fuel inventory, system diagnostics and fleet transactions. Move to mobile Provide an alternative to standard physical fleet cards with the DX Fleet® mobile application, which offers fueling authorization from a mobile phone device. Graphically-enabled and tiered dashboards... Decrease operational costs and unplanned downtime by quickly finding the information most important to sites and/or organizations. Centralized controller management & configuration... Reduces service visits to sites by enabling remote capabilities to manage FMS controllers from the cloud. ​ Cloud-based account management... Reduces operational costs by consolidating card management to a central location that can be managed via the web portal. Real-time visibility to fueling data, transactional information, or alerts generated by devices... Improves performance and decreases unscheduled downtime by providing the ability to proactively manage sites based on status or alerts. Web-based cloud application built on Microsoft Azure's security features, data integrity and confidentiality... Eliminates the need for additional IT infrastructure & resources as implementation is server and computer independent. View FAQ View Min. Requirements Speak to an Expert Back to Top

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