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  • Privacy Policy | Dover Fueling Solutions

    Dover Fueling Solutions® Privacy Policy 法律聲明 餅乾政策 Anchor 1 Anchor 2 Anchor 3 Anchor 4 Anchor 5 Anchor 6 多佛加油解決方案隱私政策 上次修訂時間:2020年3月12日 在Dover加油解決方案公司家族(統稱為“ DFS”)中,Wayne加油系統有限責任公司(代表其自身及其關聯公司)尊重您的個人隱私。本隱私政策描述了我們如何收集,使用和共享從我們的產品和服務的用戶那裡獲得的個人數據,包括在 和 網站以及相關網站上獲得的個人數據網站,移動軟件應用程序和其他產品,以及DFS的燃油和液體分配器以及此類分配器中包含的付款和計量系統(統稱為“服務”)。當您使用服務或與DFS交互時,本隱私政策適用。選擇使用服務或以其他方式提供DFS個人數據,即表示您同意本隱私政策。如果您不同意本隱私政策,請不要使用服務。 如果您是DFS或DFS關聯公司的員工,則應參閱雇主提供的《員工隱私聲明》。如果您打算向我們申請工作或加入我們的人才網絡,則應參考我們的職業門戶網站上的隱私聲明。 DFS鼓勵您完整閱讀本隱私政策,但是這裡有指向本政策不同部分的鏈接: 我們是誰以及聯繫方式 我們收集什麼個人數據 我們如何處理收集到的個人數據 資料共享 安全性和存儲 您的個人數據的權利 附加信息 1.我們是誰並與他們聯繫 這是以下網站: 韋恩加油系統有限公司 3814 Jarrett Way 美國德克薩斯州奧斯汀市78728 您可以通過電子郵件發送電子郵件至 與我們聯繫,也可以致電+1 512 388 8311與我們聯繫。 2.我們收集什麼個人數據 通常,我們會接收和收集您通過服務提供的所有信息,包括通過網站輸入字段(包括廣告),跟踪技術(例如Cookie),電話,電子郵件(包括電子郵件廣告系列),網絡聊天或其他方式提供的信息。這包括可以識別您或與您相關的個人數據,包括但不限於以下內容: (i)聯繫信息,例如您的全名,電子郵件地址,郵寄地址,電話號碼; (ii)與客戶調查,促銷和/或優惠有關的信息(例如,偏好,人口統計,興趣等);和 (iii)有關用於訪問服務的設備的信息(例如IP地址) 我們還可能會定期從關聯實體,合作夥伴和其他獨立的第三方來源獲取有關您的信息,並將其添加到我們的信息數據庫中。例如,我們可能會收到有關您與第三方網站上的廣告互動的信息,包括更新的郵政地址和人口統計信息。 餅乾 當您使用服務時,我們可能會使用“ cookies”和類似技術來幫助我們更好地識別並為您提供服務。 Cookies是小型文件,包含網站或其他服務發送的信息,這些信息保存在計算機的硬盤驅動器上。您可以從計算機中刪除Cookie或將瀏覽器設置為拒絕Cookie;但是,這樣做可能會限制我們服務的某些功能。有關我們在服務上使用這些技術的更多信息,請參閱我們的Cookies政策。 了解更多 。 個人資料轉移 作為全球組織,我們將跨境傳輸您的個人數據。 DFS及其服務器位於美國,儘管我們的分支機構遍布全球。 DFS不會聲稱其服務適合或在美國境外使用或訪問合法。如果您從美國境外訪問服務,則表示您同意將您的個人數據從您所在的位置傳輸到美國。向我們發送您的信息,即表示您進一步同意將其存儲在美國。您應獨自負責遵守有關在線行為和訪問服務的所有當地法律,法規和規章。如果需要跨境傳輸個人數據,我們將根據適用法律實施適當或適當的保護措施(例如歐盟委員會批准的標準合同條款),以保護該個人數據。如果您需要更多信息,請使用上面的詳細信息與我們聯繫。 鏈接到其他服務 服務可能包含使您能夠輕鬆訪問其他服務或感興趣的網站的鏈接。使用這些鏈接離開我們的服務後,您應該注意,我們對這些其他服務或站點沒有任何控制權;因此,對於您在訪問此類網站時提供的任何個人數據的保護和隱私,我們不承擔任何責任,並且此類網站不受本隱私政策的約束。您應謹慎行事,並查看適用於那些其他服務和網站的隱私聲明。 3.我們如何處理我們收集的個人數據 我們將收集到的有關您的個人數據用於以下目的: (i)管理我們與您的關係,包括監視和改善對服務的使用,了解您的需求,跟踪您在分配器上的使用和偏好以及答复您的詢問; (ii)用於內部記錄保存; (iii)進行內部分析,以查看有多少唯一身份訪問者訪問服務; (iv)管理您註冊的促銷,服務(例如,網絡廣播的註冊等)和要約; (v)向您發送行銷通訊和用於其他行銷相關目的,但須遵守以下行銷規定; (vi)改善通過服務提供的產品和服務;和 (vii)衡量服務訪問者的數量以及訪問者最感興趣的服務區域,並自定義服務。 我們不會使用您通過服務提供的個人數據來做出關於您的自動決策。您始終有權隨時通過使用以下詳細信息與我們聯繫來撤回您的同意。 在適用法律允許的範圍內,包括您居住國以外的法律,DFS可能還會使用我們認為必要或適當的您的個人數據: (i)遵守適用法律或法律程序; (ii)回應您居住國家/地區以外的公共和政府機構(包括公共和政府機構)的要求; (iii)執行我們的條款和條件; (iv)保護我們或我們任何關聯公司的運營; (v)保護我們的權利,隱私,安全或財產,和/或我們的分支機構,您或其他人的權利,隱私,安全或財產;和 (vi)允許我們尋求可用的補救措施或限制我們可能遭受的損害。 我們不打算通過服務收集任何敏感的個人數據(根據歐盟法律的定義,包括例如有關種族,種族出身和健康的個人數據)。 營銷 在當地法律要求的情況下,我們將獲得您的事先同意: (i)為了向您發送有關DFS的營銷信息; (ii)為了將您的個人數據提供給DFS關聯公司以進行營銷;和 (iii)為了將您的個人數據提供給第三方和其他合作夥伴,以進行聯合營銷工作或他們自己的營銷工作。 請注意,您始終有權反對或撤回您的同意。否則,除非您指示我們不要這樣做,否則我們可能會通過電子郵件,電話,傳真,郵件或其他方式與您聯繫。 我們可能將您的個人數據用於我們自己的營銷目的,包括但不限於通過郵件,電子郵件,電話,短信和其他方式向您通知新服務,優惠或其他信息。 如果您不希望我們將您的個人數據用於營銷目的,或將您的個人數據提供給DFS關聯公司或第三方用於其營銷目的,則可以按照所述程序通知我們,以選擇退出此類用途。下方的“您的個人數據權利”標題下。 4.數據共享 我們可能會與我們的關聯公司,合作夥伴,承包商,代理商和第三方服務提供商(包括向我們提供服務的承包商)共享您的個人數據,以提供服務或協助上述個人數據的任何使用。 DFS限制此類第三方對個人數據的使用,以與本隱私政策和其他適當的機密性和安全措施保持一致,並禁止此類第三方出於任何其他目的共享或使用個人數據。 如果需要進行披露以遵守適用法律或法規,我們也可能向第三方披露您的個人數據;遵守法律義務,程序或法院命令;回應公共和政府部門的要求;或為執行我們的隱私政策和/或服務條款而需要披露的信息;保護您的安全或保障;保護我們的權利,我們的站點和財產或DFS關聯公司或第三方的財產的安全和保障;或允許我們尋求可用的補救措施或限制我們可能遭受的損害。 如果DFS參與或參與諸如合併,收購,重組或出售其部分或全部資產的商業交易,我們可能會將您的個人數據共享或轉讓給第三方。 您在公共區域發布的個人信息 當您在DFS論壇或聊天室中發布消息,或向DFS提供評論或客戶反饋時,服務的其他用戶和公眾都可以訪問您發布的信息。如果您在其他用戶或公眾可以訪問的服務上的任何位置發布個人數據,建議您可以讀取,收集,使用或散佈此類個人數據,並可以將其用於向您發送未經請求的信息或其他目的。因此,您對發布此類數據承擔全部責任,並同意DFS對您選擇在此類公共區域發布的個人數據不承擔任何責任。 匯總信息 DFS可能會發布,共享,分發或披露已與其他用戶的信息聚合在一起的個人數據,或者以不允許將有關您的此類數據與聚合數據分離並標識為源自您的方式進行了其他方式去身份識別,包括DFS合作夥伴,贊助商和廣告商在內的第三方。此類信息可以幫助DFS識別和分析培訓,人口統計和心理趨勢和信息,並向第三方報告看到,訪問或點擊了某些內容,服務,廣告或其他材料的區域的人數。 5.安全與存儲 我們致力於保護您的個人數據的安全。為了防止未經授權的訪問或披露,我們已採取適當的技術和組織措施來保護和保護我們在線收集的個人數據免於丟失,盜竊以及未經授權的訪問,使用,披露或修改。例如: 我們使用SSL登錄憑據通過安全的通信通道傳輸數據; 所有個人信息均由受信任的第三方提供商(例如,AWS)存儲; 用於提供服務的所有系統均受到安全認證服務(例如Okta和SailPoint SSO)的密碼保護;和 所有服務的使用都基於最小特權的原則在每個用戶的基礎上受到限制。 DFS收集的個人數據可能會在您所在的地區,美國以及DFS,其分支機構或服務提供商運營設施的任何其他國家/地區進行存儲和處理。 我們將保留您的個人數據多長時間 我們將保留您的個人數據的期限為: (i)我們與您有關係; (ii)我們是法律要求的;或者 (iii)為了保護我們自己的業務或保護任何其他第三方,我們需要這樣做。 DFS可能會在隨後的商業上合理的時間內保留您的數據,以用於備份,存檔,防止欺詐或檢測或審計目的。 DFS遵守適用的數據保護法律,包括適用的安全漏洞通知要求。如果您對我們的保留政策有任何疑問,請使用上面列出的詳細信息與我們聯繫。 6.個人資料的權利 根據某些法律,您有權尋求訪問您的個人數據,尋求更正或刪除您的個人數據,限制我們對您的個人數據的使用,反對我們使用或要求數據可移植性。如果您希望行使這些權利中的任何一項,請與我們聯繫。 無論如何,您始終可以要求我們提供有關我們的披露以及能夠查看和訪問您的個人數據的人員的更多信息。 根據適用法律,您可以選擇通過電子郵件發送給我們 來限制我們對您的個人數據的收集或使用。您也可以在上述地址(位於本隱私政策的開頭)給我們寫信,或致電+1(800)289-2963,或使用我們主頁上的“聯繫”標籤。這包括您在哪裡: (i)以前沒有反對過將您的個人數據用於我們的直接營銷目的,但現在希望退出接收我們未來的營銷電子郵件; (ii)由於我們的信息慣例發生變化而希望退出本隱私政策允許的對個人數據的任何新使用; (iii)不希望我們出於營銷目的與第三方共享您的個人數據; (iv)認為我們持有的您的個人數據不正確或不完整,因此我們可以考慮您的擔心;或者 (v)不想將來與我們聯繫(除非您發起聯繫)。 任何此類請求均受其他人權利和適用法律的保護。此外,為幫助保護您的隱私並維護安全性,我們可能會採取步驟在授予您訪問數據之前驗證您的身份。在適用法律允許的範圍內,在我們向您提供我們保留的任何個人數據的副本之前,可能會收取一定的費用。 7.其他信息 18歲以下的人 本服務並非針對兒童,並且我們不會有意收集或允許從18歲以下的人那裡收集個人數據。如果您未滿18歲,則請勿使用本服務或向DFS提供任何個人信息。如果您的年齡不足夠同意在您的國家/地區處理您的個人數據。如果您是18歲以下人士的父母或監護人,並且認為該人士已向我們提供了個人數據,請通過 與我們聯繫。 您的加利福尼亞隱私權 加州民法第1798.83條允許我們的加利福尼亞州居民客戶要求我們提供某些信息,以直接營銷目的向第三方披露我們的個人數據。要提出這樣的請求,請給我們發送電子郵件或寫信給我們,地址如下。 本隱私政策的更新 我們可能會通過在我們的網站上發布新版本來更新本隱私政策。如果我們以顯著改變我們使用您個人數據方式的方式更新本隱私政策,我們將在合理可能的範圍內將這些更改引起您的注意。否則,我們建議您定期查看本隱私政策以了解其他任何修訂。 有任何問題嗎? 您有權投訴我們對您的個人數據的使用。請使用上面列出的聯繫方式與我們聯繫。根據您所在的位置,您可能還有權向您的本地數據保護監管機構投訴。 Anchor 7 Legal Notice Legal Notice Terms of Use Agreement ​ Definitions This website ("website") is owned and operated by Dover Fueling Solutions. The terms "we", "us", "our" and "ours" when used in these Terms of Use mean Dover Fueling Solutions, which includes subsidiaries, segments, branches, affiliates or companies under common ownership or control of Dover Fueling Solutions. The terms "you", "your" and "yours" when used in these Terms of Use mean any user of this website. Agreement Access to and use of this website and the information, materials, products and services available through this website are subject to all applicable laws and regulations and to these Terms of Use. By accessing this website, you agree to these Terms of Use which form a legally binding agreement. If you do not agree, please exit this website. These Terms of Use may be changed by us from time to time without specific notice to you. The latest Terms of Use will be posted on the website, and you should always review these Terms of Use prior to using the website to ensure that you have a current understanding of the Terms of Use under which you are permitted to access this website. If you cannot access the Terms of Use via the Internet, we can provide a copy of the most recent Terms of Use by e-mail upon request. ACCESS TO THIS WEB SITE (OR PORTIONS THEREOF) AND THE USE OF INFORMATION, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES PROVIDED THROUGH THIS WEB SITE (OR PORTIONS THEREOF), IS NOT INTENDED, AND IS PROHIBITED, WHERE SUCH ACCESS OR USE VIOLATES APPLICABLE LAWS OR REGULATIONS. Minors This website is a business and commercial site. As such, it is not intended for children or minors. 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  • Home | Dover Fueling Solutions

    Dover Fueling Solutions - 由業內一些最值得信賴的領先品牌組成 - 促進消費者體驗的演變 在加油和便利零售 替代能源 Discover More Dover 加油解決方案的新手 RDM by DFS 每個領域的質量、卓越和精確度,讓您輕鬆發展燃料零售業務。 ​ 歐洲、中東和非洲可用 ​ 發現更多 DFS Order Kiosk™ powered by FLYX 一個連接的移動和便利樞紐,為您的便利零售業務帶來新的可能性。 ​ 歐洲、中東和非洲可用 ​ 發現更多 DX Market™ powered by GRUBBRR® 使用我們專為交付而設計的時尚加油機,擴大您前院加油的可能性。 ​ 在北美有售 ​ 發現更多 Synergy Fuel Site Controller™ 專為可靠的性能和低 TCO 而設計。使加油過程安全可靠。 ​ 歐洲有售 ​ 發現更多 感言 ​ “與 Dover Fueling Solutions 的合作夥伴關係以及與 DX Power 的成功整合使我們能夠通過車隊卡和銀行卡授權 EV 充電會話,無需任何訂閱,並為 EV 駕駛員提供在任何地方充電的自由。” Steve Vandermeeren, COO/CTO of ICASA News Insights Cases Dover Fueling Solutions® Launches Synergy Fuel Site Controller™, Allowing Digital Transformation for the Fleet & Commercial Fueling Industry PetroVend Synergy FSC™ consolidates multiple functionalities, including advanced Proprietary Card File (PCF) capabilities, into a streamlined package offering fleet operators unprecedented control, flexibility and efficiency. Date: 22 July, 2024 Discover More Driving Connectivity Technological advancements, changes in consumer behaviour, and new trends within the fuel retail and convenience industry are all reasons why today’s forecourt owners need to look beyond investing in products and solutions that perform on their own. Date: June 26, 2024 Discover More bp Moorebank Selects Wayne Fuel Dispensers for Brand-new Service Station in Australia The Pump Group found Wayne® fuel dispensers were quieter, required less maintenance , and had a much faster flow rate overall when compared with other dispensers available on the market. Date: May 28, 2024 Discover More 我們的伙伴

  • Dispensor Sensors | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Top of DFS Fusion V3 AVAILABLE GLOBAL 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert View Brochure One Point of Control By giving you better visibility over many of your current devices with the DFS Fusion® automation server, you can reduce maintenance costs so there are fewer potential points of failure. In-depth web-reporting capabilities mean you can have visibility over sales, operations, inventory and equipment. Fresh, Sleek Design Featuring a backlit 128 x 64 mm graphic LED screen, the front-mounted display allows alerts and diagnostic information to be easily readable. With 5 status LED lights to show power, HDD activities and 3 definable (GPIO), the DFS Fusion automation server gives insightful information at first glance. Connected Stay connected from anywhere, at any time through secure remote access and remote management for unattended hours. The DFS Fusion® automation server also comes IoT-ready to allow easy access to DFS DX™ connected solutions platform for seamless digital transformation 24/7 Support DFS provides 24/7 remote support for dispensers, systems and other technology. With the DFS Fusion® automation server , you can get support for problem resolution, escalation notifications, increasing security for your forecourt and network, data management and more. Hardware Designed for More Power One single point of control forhardware and software applications. In-depth reporting capabilitiesproviding enterprise-level visibility. Connectivity from anywhere, at anytime, through secure remote access. Remote management forunattended hours. Interactive access for remote training,instruction and troubleshooting. Enables remote accessibility andupgradeability from anywhereglobally. View Data Sheet Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • 新闻与事件 | Dover Fueling Solutions

    NEWS AND EVENTS Filter by month: NEWS AND EVENTS 尚無文章。 All Posts 搜尋 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 消息 Upcoming Events 9月03日周二 Durban ReFuel Forum Africa 2024 2024年9月03日 GMT+3 09:00 – 2024年9月04日 GMT+3 18:00 Durban, Durban, South Africa Access to the most innovative fuel retailers and suppliers in the region, showcasing some of the industry’s most innovative products and services. To learn more, visit 分享 Details 9月04日周三 San Diego PFCS – Pacific Fuels and Convenience Summit 2024年9月04日 GMT-7 09:00 – 2024年9月05日 GMT-7 18:00 San Diego, 1 Market Pl, San Diego, CA 92101, USA The Pacific Fuels and Convenience Summit (PFCS) is an engaging and comprehensive 3-day event offering you multiple ways to network with others as fuel marketers, gas stations, or even convenience store operators. To learn more, visit 分享 Details 9月09日周一 Atlanta PWX – Public Works Expo 2024年9月09日 GMT-4 09:00 – 2024年9月11日 GMT-4 18:00 Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA Come prepared to see, hear, touch, and discuss in a variety of traditional and interactive sessions, seminars, workshops, and networking opportunities. To learn more, visit 分享 Details 9月19日周四 Filton West of England & Wales Roadshow 2024年9月19日 09:00 – 18:00 Filton, Bullfinch Cl, Filton, Bristol BS34 6FG, UK Established for over 20 years, The Forecourt Roadshows are a series of 5 one-day regional exhibitions, designed and specified for everybody involved in petrol retailing in the UK. To learn more, visit 分享 Details 9月24日周二 Location is TBD New Mobility Congress 2024 2024年9月24日 09:00 – 2024年9月26日 18:00 Location is TBD The largest industry conference and EXPO in the CEE region. To learn more, visit,27%2C%202024%20at%20Expo%20%C5%81%C3%B3d%C5%BA. 分享 Details 10月04日周五 Las Vegas NACS Show 2024 2024年10月04日 GMT-7 09:00 – 2024年10月06日 GMT-7 18:00 Las Vegas, Convention Center Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA To learn more, visit 分享 Details 10月23日周三 Hamburg Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2024年10月23日 GMT+2 09:00 – 2024年10月24日 GMT+2 18:00 Hamburg, Messepl. 1, 20357 Hamburg, Germany This must-attend event will bring together the entire supply chain to discuss everything from technologies and solutions for low-carbon hydrogen production, efficient storage, transport and more. To learn more, visit 分享 Details 10月24日周四 Shawsburn Scottish Roadshow 2024年10月24日 09:00 – 18:00 Shawsburn, 3 Ayr Rd, Shawsburn, Larkhall ML9 2TZ, UK Established for over 20 years, The Forecourt Roadshows are a series of 5 one-day regional exhibitions, designed and specified for everybody involved in petrol retailing in the UK. To learn more, visit, 分享 Details 11月21日周四 Elland Yorkshire Roadshow 2024年11月21日 09:00 – 18:00 Elland, Ainley Top, Lindley Moor Rd, Elland, Huddersfield HD3 3RH, UK Established for over 20 years, The Forecourt Roadshows are a series of 5 one-day regional exhibitions, designed and specified for everybody involved in petrol retailing in the UK. To learn more, visit 分享 Register Now 12月09日周一 Nashville Docks Expo 2024年12月09日 GMT-6 09:00 – 2024年12月12日 GMT-6 18:00 Nashville, 201 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville, TN 37203, USA To learn more, visit 分享 Details Time is TBD Houston GHRA – Greater Houston Retailers Cooperative Association Time is TBD Houston, NRG Park, 1 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77054, USA To learn more, visit 分享 Details Time is TBD Location is TBD APEA Live 2024 Time is TBD Location is TBD 分享 Details events

  • Tank Consoles | Dover Fueling Solutions

    与我们联系 ProGauge MagLink LX Plus 控制台 Top of consoles page 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Speak to an Expert View Brochure 我们相信选择 在DFS,我们相信您应该得到最好的。我们提供种类繁多的油量表控制台,旨在为您的燃料业务提供完美水平的功能,无论其大小或用途如何。我们的产品使您能够创建一个全面的燃料信息管理系统,可以有效地处理一系列的油箱和前台问题。先进的功能提供了更高级别的燃料管理功能,例如集中的站点管理,精确的库存对账和损失预防分析。 Leak Detection Our probes are designed to work perfectly in harmony with our consoles to provide superior automatic leak detection, so that you can rest easy knowing that your fuel stocks are protected at all times. Couple probes and consoles with our analyst-led wetstock monitoring services for complete peace of mind. Detailed Reconciliation Our tank consoles allow you to easily access historical in-tank level readings, so that you can determine whether your fuel site or network is losing fuel. Don't have time to look over reams of data? Consider investing in our monitoring services: we can tell you if you are losing fuel, from where, and exactly how much. 探索控制台 Please Select Your Region NA OTHER Available in NA NA ProGauge MagLink LX Ultimate console Discover More ProGauge MagLink LX Plus console Discover More OPW FMS Mechanical Tank Gauge Discover More Available Across the Rest of the World OTHER ProGauge MagLink LX Ultimate console Discover More ProGauge MagLink LX Plus console Discover More ProGauge MagLink LX 4 console Discover More ProGauge Digimon 16T console Discover More ProGauge Digimon LCD Discover More ProGauge MagConnect Discover More ProGauge MagDirect Discover More DFS ATG Driver Display (DCD) Discover More Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • Resource Library | Dover Fueling Solutions

    RESOURCE LIBRARY Brochures White Papers Reports and Articles Specifications and FAQ's Please select the category and region you're looking for: Choose Category Select Region DFS Fusion® automation server version 3 Site Efficiency Download ​ ​ Download ProGauge Maglink LX Ultimate console Automatic Tank Gauging Download ProGauge MagLink LX Plus console Consoles Download ProGauge MagLink LX 4 console Consoles Download ProGauge Digimon 16T console Consoles Download Digimon LCD Consoles Download ProGauge MagConnect Consoles Download ProGauge MagDirect Consoles Download DFS ATG Driver Display (DCD) Consoles Download SiteSentinel® Integra 500® console Consoles Download SiteSentinel® Integra 100® console Consoles Download Load More Please select the category and region you're looking for: Select Tags Select Region DFS in Focus: Keeping you Connected Download The Evolution of Wetstock Management: Rejecting the Status Quo in the Pathway to Improved Risk Management. Download The Future of Fueling Report: Innovation at the Pump, 2023 Download Please select the category and region you're looking for: Choose Category Select Region Wayne Xflo® fuel meter Metering Download Your Guide to Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) Technology. Take Full Control of Your Forecourt, Today. Reporting Download Data Management Principles for a Multitenant Architecture. Utilizing a Series of Controls To Keep Data Segregated and Secure. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download Ensuring Data Security in a Cloud-Enabled Solution. User Management Considerations For Establishing A Secure And Seamless Cloud Experience. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download How DFS DX Network Architecture Best Practices Strengthen Data Security. Leveraging Prescriptive Data Flow Controls, Network Rules & Device Security to Keep Payment and Non-Payment Data Secure. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download DX Promote® White Paper: The DFS Guide To Next Generation Dispenser Media Technology. Five Ways A Rich Content Management Platform Is Fundamental To Sustainable Sales Growth. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download The Fueling Industry's First Remote, Cloud-Based Fuel Dispenser Monitoring and Management Platform. Targets Common Fuel Dispenser Pain Points That Fuel Site Operators Must Confront and Conquer. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download DX Retail®: Your Guide To Simplifying and Streaming Daily Retail Management Tasks. How Cloud-Enabled, Centralized Forecourt and Store Management Solutions Drive Efficiencies and Unify Operations. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download DX Fleet®: The First Cloud-Based System That Gives Fleet Companies True “To The Drop” Visibility Into Their Fueling Operations. Targets Fleet-Fueling Pain Points That Must Be Overcome To Optimize Business Performance. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download Making The Connection Between Cloud-Enabled Optimization And ROI. Why Open Architecture Platforms Are Integral To Convenience Store Digital Transformation. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download DFS Edge (Physical) Intelligent IoT Platform: Security: Giving Forecourts the Power to Stay Connected. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download DFS Edge (Virtual) Intelligent IoT Platform: Security: Giving Forecourts the Power to Stay Connected. Site Efficiency & Connectivity Download Load More Please select the category and region you're looking for: Select Category Select Region RDM by DFS FAQ Document Download DFS Fusion® Prizma FAQ Document Download Prizma FAQ Document Download DX Promote® Specification Document Download DX Promote® FAQ Document Download DX Retail® FAQ Document Download DX Wetstock® FAQ Document Download DX Monitor® FAQ Document Download DX Retail® Specification Document Download DX Wetstock® Specification Document Download DX Fleet® Specification Document Download DX Monitor® Specification Document Download

  • 调度 | Dover Fueling Solutions

    调度 ​ DX 机队客户 ​ 在继续之前,请确保准备好以下信息: - 边缘MAC地址 - 站点信息(地址和联系人) ​ 单击此处 ,继续进行 DXFleet 站点注册和调度 Fleetcor DX 车队客户 在继续之前,请确保准备好以下信息: - 边缘MAC地址 - 站点信息(地址和联系人) 单击此处, 继续进行 Fleetcor 站点注册和调度 PV 300 E EMV 客户 在继续之前,请确保准备好以下信息: - FSC3000 SIMM 序列号 - NBS终端ID号 - SPM 序列号(位于包装标签上) - 终端MAC地址(位于包装标签上) - 边缘序列号(位于边缘包装上) 点击这里, 进行PV300E EMV站点注册和调度 Phoenix SQL 客户 在继续之前,请确保具有以下内容 - 确保您拥有所有用户名和密码(FSC3000 和 SQL) - 确保Phoenix软件已激活且未处于“DEMO”模式。 ​ 点击这里, 进行凤凰SQL启动调度 单击此处, 如果您需要重新安排您的 Phoenix Startup ​ ​ 技术支援 ​ 对于 OPWFMS 技术支持和服务问题,请致电 1-877-OPW-TECH (877-679-8324),美国中部标准时间周一至周五上午 7:00 至下午 6:00

  • Automatic Tank Gauging | Dover Fueling Solutions

    水箱测量 在DFS,我们提供业界最全面的油箱测量产品系列,从创新的油箱测量仪和尖端的探头,到最先进的油箱校准服务,所有这些都在业界掀起了一场风暴。我们鼓励你探索可供你使用的大量产品,以帮助改善你的燃料业务。如果你正在寻找一个完整的解决方案,而不是一个特定的产品类型,如与湿货、付款、车队或媒体有关的产品,仅举几例,我们也有精心考虑的产品和服务套件,可以真正推动你的业务达到新的水平。 Speak to an Expert Discover: > Consoles > Probes > ProGauge 3D Laser Scan Automatic Calibration > Floats > Sensors > Electronic Pressurized Line Leak Detection (PLLD) Top of ATG page Fergus Heading Director, ATG Business Development “We are extremely proud of our global automatic tank gauging offering. Wherever our customers are in the world, whatever their needs, and whatever their forecourt set up, our automatic tank gauging portfolio can help support their business needs and excel to new heights.” CONSOLES We offer some of the industry's most advanced tank gauging systems, including the ProGauge MagLink LX 4 console, ProGauge MagLink LX Plus console and the OPW tank gauging Fuel Management Systems SiteSentinel family. Discover More View Documents *Requires DFS Extranet Login Credentials ​ ​ Alternatively, please contact your OPW FMS sales representative. Consoles (TEST) PROBES The success of our probes is no secret. We are able to provide continuous and highly accurate readings of liquids inside of the fuel tank, to give you peace of mind and enable you to manage your fuel business more effectively. Discover More Probes (TEST) 3D LASER SCAN Benefit from the industry's most advanced tank calibration service, with ProGauge 3D Laser Scan Automatic Calibration. There is no more accurate tank gauging system on the market – and we would love to tell you more. Discover More 3D Laser Scan (TEST) FLOATS DFS’ comprehensive range of in-tank floats can accurately determine water contamination, phase separation and fuel density. Phase-separated fuel occurs when water in the tank causes the ethanol in the fuel to become saturated and then settle at the bottom of the tank Discover More Floats (TEST) SENSORS DFS sensors are used to inform site owners of potential water ingress and product leaks, using various methods from single float options, discriminating between fuel and water, hydrocarbon detection and vapour detection. Discover More Sensors (TEST) PLLD The ProGauge Electronic Pressurized Line Leak Detection (PLLD) option is perfectly suited for use on sites with pressure supplied fuel systems that use any type of Submersible Turbine Pump (STP). Discover More PLLD Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • Careers | Dover Fueling Solutions

    水箱测量 在DFS,我们提供业界最全面的油箱测量产品系列,从创新的油箱测量仪和尖端的探头,到最先进的油箱校准服务,所有这些都在业界掀起了一场风暴。我们鼓励你探索可供你使用的大量产品,以帮助改善你的燃料业务。如果你正在寻找一个完整的解决方案,而不是一个特定的产品类型,如与湿货、付款、车队或媒体有关的产品,仅举几例,我们也有精心考虑的产品和服务套件,可以真正推动你的业务达到新的水平。 OUR SUSTAINABILITY Throughout our history, Dover's commitment to environmenal, social and corporate governance (ESG), and sustainability has created significant value. Discover More OUR INTEGRITY Since Dover’s founding in 1955, our business philosophy has remained remarkably consistent—build the company by acquiring strong businesses with solid fundamentals and market leading positions. Discover More Read our Transparency in Supply Chains Disclosure. View Document OUR COMMUNITIES

  • EV Charging Solutions and Stations | Dover Fueling Solutions

    AVAILABLE IN USA Power UX 掌控 您的未來 Speak to an Expert DX Market™ powered by GRUBBRR® View Press Release Top of DX Market 我們帶領您進入一個充滿可能性的新世界。您還在等什麼?動力車輛現今正在向新世代邁進。 Vote Now! 我們帶領您進入一個充滿可能性的新世界。您還在等什麼?動力車輛現今正在向新世代邁進。 燃料零售便利產業中混合能源正在變革。隨著這個世界試圖平衡全球對於更多能源日益成長的需求、以及運輸業為求提升永續性而脫碳,您的企業是否準備好迎接從而帶來的新挑戰? 為了確保邁向未來更加環保之路不會留下任何燃料站,Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS) 隨時為您提供協助。介紹 Power UX™ 180 電動車充電系統,這是一款專為電動車 (EV) 設計的高功率、180kW 直流快速充電系統。這款電動車充電器是在燃料零售地點和商業與零售停車場、以及工作場所環境使用時的完美選擇。這款充電系統可以幫助零售商擴大其產品提供範圍,使其客戶可以在所造訪的相同好地點為車輛補充燃料,同時讓站點業主有機會網羅新客戶。 View Infographic Read Press Release Kurt Dillen, VP Global Business Development at DFS "Since its launch, the DFS Anthem UX® has increased sales for promoted items by 50%. We know this is a powerful tool for retailers to drive foot traffic into stores. Gas station owners make most of their money in retail. By integrating GRUBBRR’s® self-ordering technology, customers will be able to make purchases without first stepping into the store." Sam Zietz, CEO of GRUBBRR® "To maximize profitability, merchants need to reduce friction in the checkout process and engage consumers in new and innovative ways. Our software is designed to streamline the ordering process and provide a seamless customer experience, creating a one-stop-shop solution that enables retailers to grow revenue through improved consumer retention and increased basket size." WHO IS GRUBBRR®? Headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, GRUBBRR® is a global self-ordering solutions and POS systems provider at the forefront of self-ordering technologies. GRUBBRR's® award-winning eco-system, including kiosks, mobile ordering, POS, online ordering, KDS, contactless smart lockers, and more, are proven to help businesses maximize revenue, decrease labor costs, and increase operational efficiency while improving the consumer experience. GRUBBRR's® solutions are adaptable and beneficial to a multitude of businesses, and power both enterprise-level and small and medium businesses across verticals such as quick-service restaurants, fast casual restaurants, petro / convenience stores, stadiums, movie theaters, casinos, micro-markets, retail, and more. Discover More Discover DX Promote® Discover Anthem UX® Speak to an Expert Back to Top

  • 服务 拉丁美洲 | Dover Fueling Solutions

    Serviços e Suporte à Vendas América Latina Termo de Garantia / Warranty Term / Plazo de Garantía / Document de garantie Confiança e segurança são parte do nosso DNA. Certificamos as da sua compra através do nosso termo de garantia. Termo de garantia Warranty term Plazo de garantía Document de garantie Suporte Técnico Quem mais entende de bombas e produtos DFS são nossos especialistas DFS. Conte com nosso time treinado e preparado para apoiar você em campo. Solicite Atendimento Solicitud de Garantía Internacional Acceda a nuestro formulario de solicitud de garantía internacional aquí. Solicitar Servicio Requisitos de instalação de Bombas Encontre aqui tudo o que você precisa saber para a instalação da sua Bomba Wayne. Orientações, informações de segurança e processos baseadas nos regulamentos e normas vigentes. Verificar os Requisitos Instrução WR002153 Aqui você encontrará todos os detalhes para instalação elétrica das Bombas Helix. Intruções sobre os cabos de força e dados na caixa de ligação das Bombas Helix modelos 1000, 2000, 4000 e 5000. Conferir as Instruções Contrato de manutenção Posto seguro é posto rentável! Garantir a segurança constante dos seus equipamentos é o maior investimento que você pode fazer pelo seu negócio. A DFS Brasil disponibiliza contratos de manuntenção para que você fique tranquilo e deixe a segurança do seu posto conosco e nossos mais de 125 anos de expertise. Solicitar Orçamento

  • Fleet Products | Dover Fueling Solutions

    水箱测量 在DFS,我们提供业界最全面的油箱测量产品系列,从创新的油箱测量仪和尖端的探头,到最先进的油箱校准服务,所有这些都在业界掀起了一场风暴。我们鼓励你探索可供你使用的大量产品,以帮助改善你的燃料业务。如果你正在寻找一个完整的解决方案,而不是一个特定的产品类型,如与湿货、付款、车队或媒体有关的产品,仅举几例,我们也有精心考虑的产品和服务套件,可以真正推动你的业务达到新的水平。 Speak to an Expert Discover: > Petro Vend® 300E (PV300E) Fuel Island Terminal > Petro Vend® 200 (PV200) Fuel Island Terminal > Petro Vend ® 100 (PV100 ) Fuel Island Terminal > Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) solution > Wayne iX Fleet™ fuel control system > Synergy Fuel Site Controller™ (FSC) Top of fleet page OPW Fuel Management Systems (OPW FMS) PV Family of Fuel Control Solutions deliver secure, accurate and reliable fuel tracking for unattended fueling operations. We not only protect your fuel assets, but create operational efficiencies through integration and automation, streamlining your business and improving your bottom line. PV300E Featuring sleek design and easy operation, the PetroVend® 300E (PV300E) terminal is an all-in-one insert-style unit with a 7-inch touch screen and alpha entry. Engineered for maximum payment flexibility, the PV300E includes Tap-n-Pay options for contactless cards and ApplePay/Google Wallet transactions. What’s more, our Petro Vend EMV fuel management system offers secure EMV processing direct from the terminal, eliminating point-of-sale (POS) or fuel site controller PCI updates from the scope. View Brochure PV300 PV200 The PetroVend® 200 (PV200) Fuel Island Terminal provides advanced 24-hour fuel control to unattended commercial fleet fueling operations, big or small. It is expertly engineered to be scalable to accommodate a wide range of unattended fueling requirements through a large selection of options. Compatibility with OPW’s Phoenix SQL Lite Fuel Management Software enables users to fully leverage their fueling data through powerful data analytics and comprehensive reporting options. View Brochure View Data Sheet PV200 PV100® The PetroVend® 100 (PV100) Fuel Island Terminal is designed to grow with your application. The turnkey system ships ready-to-use with 100 pre-configured users and requires only power and a few simple connections to each dispenser to begin fueling operations. With its quick installation and upgradeable feature set, the PV100® is a cost-effective fuel control solution for the needs of today and tomorrow — from start-up to scale-up. PV100 授权与责任制 从基本的入门级功能到广泛的高级产品选择,OPW的燃油控制解决方案使车队可以选择最适合其加油需求的通道,责任制,安全性和便利性级别。 卡和交易管理 ​ 一些小型车队仅需要来自其内部驾驶员网络的基本交易数据,而较大的车队通常需要与授权或商业加油卡网络连接才能获得高级交易管理功能。OPW燃油控制解决方案提供一定水平的采购控制,跟踪和报告功能,可满足各种规模车队的需求。 报告和轮询 ​ ​ OPW FMS解决方案可帮助加油站运营商利用加油数据。从简单地试图验证交付量和加油消耗的防滑坦克的操作,到寻求优化账单,预防性维护和合规性管理的卡车运输车队,OPW燃油控制产品有助于保持账面平衡并提高运营效率。 AVI SOLUTION OPW Fuel Management Systems can provide your fleet with the highest level of fuel security, accountability, control and convenience. Through the technological development of a range of highly sophisticated parts, the service can protect fleets during unattended fueling operations, by automatically capturing and transmitting data. The service is ideal for municipal, school and military fleets, as well as sanitation, utilities and other private fleets. View Brochure AVI Monday - Friday 11:00 - 18:30 Saturday 11:00 - 17:00 Sunday 12:30 - 16:30 1. 被动车辆 ​ 被动式车辆标签可轻松适应任何车辆,轻松安装在加油管周围,并能即时识别其所安装的车辆。 2. 射频喷嘴( RFN) ​ 安装在喷嘴上的无线收发器可以读取车辆标签并将信息传输到车辆识别系统。 3. 车辆识别装置( VID) ​ VID通过GPS里程表发送器(“ GOS”)或OBD连接读取车辆行驶里程,该连接还可以读取诊断数据。 4. 车辆识别系统 ​ 与OPW FSC3000TM加油站控制器集成在一起时,使用RFN和VID传输数据。兼容PhoenixTM燃油管理软件。 AUTOMATIC The system does not require activation devices, such as cards, which are easily lost, to authorize fueling. SECURE The system provides a fool-proof way to prevent high-cost cases of fuel theft. ACCURATE Real-time data capture, including vehicle identification, optional driver verification and optional mileage, is 100% correct, every time. FAST With no manual data entry needed by drivers, vehicles can pull-up, fill-up and go. Wayne iX Fleet iX FLEET ™ FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM Keeping vehicles fueled involves much more than simply having fuel dispensers on site. Fuel must be accessible to employees who need it but also restricted from unauthorized users, all while providing management remote capabilities to ensure functionality. The iX Fleet™ fuel control system, in conjunction with Wayne Select™ electronic fleet fuel dispensers, delivers remote and on-site fleet fueling control and management for one location or many. SYNERGY FSC ™ Readily enabled for digital transformation through DFS DX™ connected solutions platform, PetroVend Synergy Fuel Site Controller™ (FSC) is robust and scalable. Consolidate your devices and automate manual tasks for lower total cost of ownership. Discover More To view technical documents, use the below link: 查看技术文件 *Requires DFS Extranet Login Credentials ​ Alternatively, please contact your OPW FMS sales representative. Speak to an Expert Back to Top

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