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  • Building a legacy of reliability | DoverFuelingSolution

    May 8, 2021 Building a legacy of reliability Hector Trabucco, Vice President and General Manager of Latin America, Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) The story of Dover Fueling Solutions® is marked by innovation and evolution. Moreover, it’s built on a solid foundation of safety, security and reliability. When the company founders of Wayne Fueling Systems – one of the legacy brands under DFS – first met with investors in 1891 seeking $10,000 to create the Wayne Oil Tank Company, they had no idea they were founding what would become one of the world’s leading suppliers of fueling systems. Now, it’s quite possible there’s not a single driver on Earth who hasn’t used a Wayne fuel dispenser. Our company continues to celebrate a legacy with several brands and products that have changed not only the industry, but the way people live their daily lives. And while we are a global company, I’m especially proud to share the impact we’ve made in Latin America. Driving Innovation in Brazil At DFS, listening to our customers has always been the cornerstone of our business practices. In the late 1920s, when several customers in Brazil expressed interest in purchasing locally-produced gas pumps and paying in cruzeiros, we listened. By 1930, the Wayne subsidiary Equipamentos Wayne do Brasil, S.A. was set up in a small Rio de Janeiro storefront with only three staff members. The operation quickly flourished and twice had to move into larger quarters, eventually settling at what would become our current location on Timbo Avenue in 1955. Since then, we have continued to learn, grow and listen. Today, our Rio de Janeiro facility is the primary assembly plant for all Wayne fuel dispensers sold in Brazil and other South American countries. It is also the main assembly plant for Wayne products exported to most countries in the Middle East and Africa, as well as customers in large parts of Asia Pacific. Moreover, in 2004, what started as a modest operation became the sole global production center for the machining and assembly of Wayne’s core hydraulic components, including meters and pumping units. Providing security with Wayne Now, we look to the future while remaining focused on what our customers care about most. In Brazil, like many other parts of the world, there are concerns about fraud and therefore a huge demand for security. A fuel dispenser is a piece of transference equipment for a highly essential and strategic product, so the challenge to maintain its security is huge. It’s not uncommon for some in our industry to look for disloyal, unethical or disrespectful competitive advantages, which encourages and stimulates the fraud market. However, because DFS – through its Wayne brand – has a legacy of secure and reliable technology, our company has become the biggest trailblazer in anti-fraud protection. Since the beginning, we have cultivated a culture of wearing the customer’s shoes. Therefore, in addition to building robust, quality equipment, our biggest investment is to ensure Wayne dispensers are the reliable, secure and innovative choice to fuel your dreams, both as a gas station owners and end customers. Over the past 90 years, Wayne® has emerged as a leading technology provider in the fight against fraud based on our sophisticated control platform. An investment in such secure equipment translates into being recognized for preserving the image and reputation of the establishment that purchased it. More importantly, this smart purchase allows the entrepreneur who owns a gas station to focus on his or her business, because with Wayne technology, security is inherent. Continuing traditions of safety Our company leaders regularly hear from customers who say choosing Wayne® fuel dispensers has brought significant improvements in the security of their business. This is one of the greatest compliments any company can receive. And at DFS, the safety and security of our customers is always top of mind as we design and build our products. Our highly complex software, designed specifically to combat fraud, makes it impossible to generate source codes by reverse engineering. In addition to the security features, the advanced electronics in our dispensers provides statistical information, including calibration history among other diagnoses. In addition to having the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology INMETRO certification from the Brazilian regulatory agency that evaluates compliance requirements for automotive products manufactured in or exported to Brazil, our products are also certified by the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML). A global leader in safety, the equipment sold from our Brazil facility is then distributed worldwide. Reliability. Innovation. Security. At Dover Fueling Solutions®, it’s more than what we do – it’s who we are. We are proud of our progress over the past 130 years, and we will continue driving the industry forward with our leading products and solutions for many years to come. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Are LNG Fleets Powering Your Festive Deliveries? | DoverFuelingSolution

    December 13, 2023 Are LNG Fleets Powering Your Festive Deliveries? ​ The festive season means an increase in deliveries around the world as everyone gets ready for arguably the biggest gift-giving occasion of the year. With the amount of deliveries skyrocketing, it means the emissions of vehicles used to deliver them also see increased numbers, which resulted in last December seeing emissions double compared to normal months. In fact, emissions from transport have been on the rise since 2021, nearly rising back to pre-pandemic figures, with heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) being the second largest contributors only behind cars. It’s understandable that the holiday season is a busier time for transport logistics with 130 million cards and parcels delivered by Royal Mail in the UK in 2022 and Denmark exporting and transporting over 10 million Christmas trees. ​ The natural increase in HGV and long-haul deliveries within the season means many companies may be looking at alternative fuels to reduce the emissions produced. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) could be that solution, and many may not realise some delivery companies are already employing them for deliveries. With the concentration of LNG refueling stations increasing across the continent, the majority of which are in Western Europe and Asia, many of your presents ordered from depots might actually have been shipped using LNG fleets. Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) has offered expert insight into the benefits of LNG, as well as identifying which of the big brands you might not have realized are already invested. Why use LNG? Natural gas is still an abundant resource that can be utilised as LNG to act as an alternative fuel source to traditional fuels. On emissions alone they offer a welcome change, producing 40% less carbon dioxide than other non-renewable fuels making it one of the cleanest fossil fuels available. Plus, with LNG being clean burning and bio-LNG being created from organic waste, CO2 emissions can be reduced up to 100%. A huge benefit is that it’s imported into Europe and the UK from several markets around the globe, meaning it’s not expected to see cost increases like can currently be seen with electricity. Nor is it connected with the price of oil, so it can result in being 10 – 25% cheaper than diesel depending on your market. For HGV drivers, LNG doesn’t take away from the driving experience or the performance of the vehicle but in fact offers one very important positive: they are compliant with current and expected future emission standards. Not only will this mean that vehicles fuelled by LNG should be able to enter environmental zones toll-free, but they will also play a huge part in delivering a net zero 2050. One additional benefit, especially over the festive period, is LNG engines are 50% quieter than diesel engines, meaning they’re within territory for a peak quiet certification for a peak Quiet Truck in Silent mode of 71dB(A). This means that loading times can be more flexible to provide a greater quality of life in city centres, as well as being an improvement for late-night holiday deliveries to not disturb quieter areas. ​ If you’re planning on getting your festive food delivered to your home, it’s likely it was delivered by a fleet employing LNG as its chosen fuel. Major supermarkets have been investing in LNG, and in the UK alone, two of the giants, Tesco and Asda, have both made the switch. This trend has continued throughout Europe with Spanish supermarket chain Mercadona, EDEKA in Germany, and Dutch chain Albert Heijn improving their efforts to employ the use of LNG in their fleets. Lidl is another chain that has been pushing for alternative gases within its fleet, employing both LNG and compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel their delivery services in Switzerland. Beyond supermarkets, major international delivery companies are investing more in alternative fuels like LNG. DHL has forecast a reduction in carbon emissions by 2,200 tonnes through replacing 20 diesel vehicles with LNG specifically for its M&S fleet. Amazon has become a powerhouse in deliveries globally and in 2021 added 1,000 CNG trucks to their European fleet, showing how prevalent the shift towards these alternative fuels has become. Evri and UPS have followed suit and have begun investing heavily in LNG to expand the eco-approach to transport logistics. This means that many of the parcels delivered to you this winter ready to give to family, friends, and loved ones could be shipped or delivered by a vehicle utilising an LNG engine. The shift towards LNG being incorporated into transport logistics strategies marks a much wider evolution in the way the transport and shipping industry approaches its fuelling. Consumer behaviours are also transitioning as they become more aware of how sustainable and environmentally friendly the products they buy are, including how they are delivered. Knowing their orders are being delivered in a way that isn’t contributing to further emissions can offer the environmentally conscious consumer greater peace of mind this festive season. After all, isn’t a greener future for generations to come one of the greatest gifts of all? Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert,12,13,14,15,harmful%20to%20the%20earth's%20atmosphere,Asda%20is%20taking%20delivery%20of%20202%20Volvo%20FH%20LNG%20tractor,more%20than%2080%20per%20cent,will%20be%20delivered%20in%202022 Evri adopts multi-fuel solution for multi-asset delivery fleet ( Bikes, EVs and LNG trucks: How delivery giant UPS is steering 'beyond diesel' | GreenBiz

  • Innovation Will Fuel Our Success: Transformation Tips For Fuel Site Owners And Operators | DoverFuelingSolution

    Nov 29, 2021 Innovation Will Fuel Our Success: Transformation Tips For Fuel Site Owners And Operators Jocelyn Sexton, Director of Marketing and Communications at Dover Fueling Solutions®. Originally published in Forbes magazine online. Nov 15, 2021, 07:15am EST Marketers and professional communicators are keenly aware of the once-unthinkable disruptions the Covid-19 pandemic has created in the global economy. In the fueling industry, as we begin to work our way out of the initial shocks and interruptions of normalcy, recovery continues to pose its own unique challenges, particularly for the customers we work with. Right now, our industry is tackling issues like fuel shortages (paywall), which can be disruptive to economic activity and supply chains. Even once those areas stabilize, we will still need to figure out how to solve long-term challenges like the need to produce cleaner energy while ramping up to meet the energy demands of a growing global population. And of course, our customers want to run profitable businesses. ​ I saw these concerns firsthand in early October 2021 when I attended my first industry conference since December 2019. Participation was down a bit, but hopes were high. And while it was fantastic to finally meet some customers, distributors and co-workers face-to-face (although often while wearing a mask and maintaining distance), we confirmed that some structural changes — like the shift to remote work and the necessity for virtual meetings — might really become permanent. There are also more immediate, day-to-day challenges site owners and operators face that have been magnified by Covid-19 and our long journey toward a post-pandemic period. At Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS), I work with a team of professionals dedicated to helping our industry solve these issues. Here are my recommendations for addressing them. Stand Out From The Crowd One of the most common challenges I see fueling station owners and operators face is how to help people understand who they are — and what makes them different from the station down the road. Of course, this is not unique to our industry; creating a brand with a unique and differentiated value proposition is key to the success of all businesses. But gas stations can seemingly blend together, and fuel serves as a commodity. Now that more people are staying at home due to the shift to remote work (U.S. travel in millions of vehicle miles is down from 2019) — differentiating yourself as a brand is more vital than ever. When our customers ask us how best to achieve this, we usually start by recommending they consider the forecourt consumer experience. In the fueling industry, the “forecourt” essentially refers to the area outside the store, including the fuel dispensers, the parking lot and beyond. Innovation in this area was previously limited to incremental improvements in lighting, signage and adding consumer conveniences. But the most advanced of today’s fuel dispensers make customers feel like they are interacting with giant iPads, and one secret to making them truly your own lies in your branding. Customize your forecourt with your logos and colors, of course, and think about how to use digital transformation to create something truly special. Think that aspect of the engagement experience through to ensure it’s the most accurate possible representation of your brand. Know When It’s Time For A Change Like many industries, fueling is a traditional one — with roots that go all the way back to the industrial revolution. Many companies in our industry could benefit from digital transformation. But the barriers to implementing technology can be formidable, from paying for it to implementing and managing it. Even the terminology itself can be intimidating. Cloud services, Internet of Things (IOT) devices, augmented reality: These are not terms or concepts many of our clients are familiar with. So education and patience are key. When you are ready to begin your digital transformation, make it a successful one by thinking about what your customers’ unique needs and desires are, and then build your strategy around solving those problems. Consider what your competitors are doing. Can you offer something different? Leverage industry resources, like blogs and other sources of industry information — and don’t allow a limited budget to deter you. There are digital transformation solutions available at almost every price point, including many products and services that you can customize to your needs. Jocelyn Sexton is global Director of Marketing and Communications at Dover Fueling Solutions®, overseeing brand awareness & demand generation Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Fueling a Successful Private Label Strategy with DFS Anthem UX® | DoverFuelingSolution

    Novemer 17, 2023 Fueling a Successful Private Label Strategy with DFS Anthem UX® ​ In recent years, convenience stores have recognized the importance of offering private label products to differentiate themselves from competitors and boost profitability. On the consumer side, private label food brands have become increasingly popular as affordable options that still offer quality and value. The Hartman Group, a consumer research firm, found that 91% of consumers agree a good experience with private label products makes them trust a store more, with 74% saying they shop at a store specifically because of the private label brands. Many successful c-store retailers have expanded to include private label fuel brands, yet there are opportunities in the forecourt and beyond fuel itself to build a successful private label strategy with multimedia screens built into the DFS Anthem UX® platform on the Wayne Ovation® fuel dispensers. Here are a few key multimedia tactics for captivating customers, enhancing brand awareness and driving private label sales. Grab Attention with Visual Content on the Dispenser Multimedia fuel dispensers present a unique and captive marketing opportunity, with a 1-to-1 focused audience in customers fueling their vehicles. Displaying engaging visual content related to private label products enables c-stores to grab customers’ attention during this otherwise idle moment. In marketing, this attention-grabbing opportunity is called Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT), and it’s the first of four key points in the consumer journey that influence a purchase and affect loyalty. The ZMOT happens when shoppers recognize a need or want, then gather information to fulfill it. A well-crafted video advertisement showcasing the quality, value and uniqueness of private label offerings can pique curiosity during the ZMOT and drive customers to purchase in the store. Multimedia dispensers also allow marketers to drive brand awareness through the Rule of Seven, which states it takes an average of seven interactions with a brand before a customer acts. By running an ad at the dispenser, retailers put their messaging in front of high-frequency fuel customers multiple times and achieve the Rule of Seven more efficiently. Highlight Private Label Benefits with Media C-stores must effectively communicate the benefits and differentiators of their private label products to entice the customer to purchase. For example, one promotional strategy enabled with the Anthem UX® platform comes through dual-zone media – allowing stores to show national offerings on the upper zone and private label brand promotions on the lower zone. Through a dual-zone media comparison, stores can emphasize positive differentiators in price, size, quality and other features between private label offerings and major national brands. Advertising a private label product alongside a national counterpart can elevate private label benefits, building awareness, trust and loyalty over time. Custom content on dispenser screens can also be a tool for educating and informing customers on quality sourcing and production processes behind private label offerings, which further build credibility and trust among those who may be hesitant to try private label items. Content highlighting nutritional information, product origins or sustainable practices positions private label products as reliable and conscientious choices, enhancing their appeal. Leverage Cross-Promotion and Upselling to Build Your Brand Advanced fuel dispenser screens offer an excellent opportunity for cross-promoting and upselling private label products. By integrating offers on video screens, convenience stores can encourage customers to consider complementary items within their private label range. Dayparting, a common screen advertising strategy, entails targeting audiences with ads at specific times of day based on trending demands and behaviors. For example, offering up a private label coffee option with breakfast ads could target morning commuters, whereas chip add-on offers could aim for afternoon snackers, both maximizing campaign performance. Such a strategy helps increase the visibility and desirability of private label products while simultaneously boosting overall store sales. A study by Cadent Consulting Group found that 54% of millennials say the availability of a store brand influences their choice of retailer. Designing video advertisements and incentives that appeal to this and other demographic audiences can help secure a strong consumer base for private label product lines. Custom content on the Anthem UX® platform can further be used to deploy targeted private label campaigns and loyalty offers for specific demographic groups. Building a Brand-Differentiating Private Label Strategy In the competitive landscape of convenience stores, a successful private label strategy can be a game changer. Leveraging the multimedia digital screens on the Anthem UX® platform presents a unique forecourt opportunity to engage customers and drive in-store sales of store brand products. Deployment of at-dispenser content designed for driving awareness, highlighting benefits and differentiators, and promoting cross and upsell campaigns can help c-stores build a thriving private label strategy that sets them apart from the competition. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert The Hartman Group report entitled “Brand Ambition: Food and Beverage Private Brands & Beyond.” Cadent Consulting Group. eMarketer: Private Labels Influence Retailer Choice - Cadent Consulting Group Cadent Consulting Group (

  • Consumer Experience at the Pump: The Future of Fueling | DoverFuelingSolution

    October 3, 2023 Consumer Experience at the Pump: The Future of Fueling ​ Retaining frequent fuelers and winning new customers are on every fuel and convenience retailer’s list of priorities. As consumers demand faster, more seamless and more personalized retail experiences — especially younger consumers — fuel station and c-store owners will have to keep pace to remain competitive. In a recent report, Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) surveyed 1,003 consumers to better understand what they’re looking for from their fueling experiences. Understanding consumer behavior and expectations is critical to the success of fuel and convenience retailing, so we set out to answer questions like: Does the quality of a consumer’s experience matter when they’re choosing a place to fuel up? What kinds of technology or services at the pump do consumers truly appreciate? And which do they ignore? Here are some of the top takeaways from our second annual Future of Fueling report that retailers can leverage. Half of consumers would switch gas stations for a better experience It will come as no surprise to most station owners that consumers prioritize fuel price and location most when choosing where to refuel. But, when asked how much their experience plays a role in the decision, many consumers had strong opinions. DFS found that 50% of consumers are likely to switch fuel stations if a competitor offers a significantly enhanced experience. Among millennial consumers, this number increases to 60%. For retailers, these findings spotlight the importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences to retain and grow market share. Ads at the pump are catching the attention of younger consumers, driving c-store foot traffic Advertising and media at fuel dispensers have become increasingly common and more technologically advanced. How do gas station customers view them? DFS polled the perspectives and experiences of consumers, finding more than half (51%) notice ads on or around a fuel pump. Nearly one-third (32%) of consumers said fuel pump commercials and ads have convinced them to enter a convenience store. And that number jumps to 46% among Gen Z and millennial consumers. Consumers are paying attention, and fuel station owners can capture and hold it even more by balancing advertising and entertainment or information, like weather and traffic reports. Consumers predict a faster, more productive future of fueling DFS asked respondents to make their own “future fueling predictions” by envisioning how technology or innovation might one day improve their experience. Common themes arose across consumers’ predictions, including improving productivity at the pump, speed, ease and accessibility — all of which retailers should evaluate in their customer journeys. Productivity — Many consumers view the time they spend refueling as an opportunity to multitask, imagining technologies like on-demand TV, car maintenance “report cards,” and c-store ordering systems. Speed — Consumers also see innovation potential in the speed of their gas station visits, with suggested improvements focused on quicker payments and faster-flowing fuel. Ease — Many respondents envision greater convenience while refueling, such as having options for an email or text receipt, a more automated fueling process, and smart pumps that know their preferences without asking. Accessibility — Some consumers believe technology can support gas station features that suit a wider variety of individuals, abilities and needs. For more insights on consumer sentiment around the current and future state of gas stations and convenience stores, explore DFS’s full interactive report and research findings. Read the full report at: Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • The Importance of High-Quality Core Components | DoverFuelingSolution

    April 10, 2024 The Importance of High-Quality Core Components ​ Although fuel dispensers all essentially have the same function and purpose, to dispense fuel, it might surprise you to learn that not all fuel dispensers are created equal. Each dispenser varies drastically between models, as each are assembled with their own core components. This means each fuel dispenser is different in terms of quality and longevity, as those core components and the overall design impact performance, service interventions and total cost of ownership (TCO). 𝗦𝗼, 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗳𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝘆 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻? In this article, we explore the inside of the new Tokheim Quantium®, Wayne Helix® and Wayne Century™ 3 fuel dispenser ranges – available in Europe, the Middle East and Africa – to highlight the importance of high-quality core components and what fuel retailers need to know before they invest in a fuel dispenser. Performance Do you know the difference between vane pump and gear pump technology? It is a fundamental difference in design of the pumping unit that can have a big impact on its longevity. Vane-style pumps are more likely to suffer a breakdown after long-term use due to parts that wear, and it is also more sensitive to dirt particles (found in fuel), which again can cause a breakdown and maintenance cost. A vane-style pump also causes more vibrations within the dispenser – not only does this cause a lot of noise, but the vibrations can also strain other internal components, increasing the risk of wear and leaks. This is why the new EMEA dispenser ranges utilize the Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) gear pump. A gear pump design is more robust and assembled with high quality components to reduce risk of leaks, while ensuring reliable and durable operational performance. There is also minimal vibration within the dispenser, reducing noise as well as the risk of wear and leaks. When it comes to a DFS dispenser, all components are specified to last for the expected lifetime of a dispenser to achieve reliable and durable operational performance. This is further enhanced by our strong corrosion protection using quality materials and our industry-leading paint technology to achieve C4 corrosion protection. Meter Stability & Total Cost of Ownership Designed for superior stability and accuracy over the lifetime of the dispenser, the DFS Piston meter ensures accurate metering with minimal drift of 0.04% over 8 million litres. In addition, each dispenser range features electronic calibration and benefits from an industry best resolution of 400 pulses per litre for enhanced accuracy across all flow rates. The next generation of the iMeter™ fuel meter, commonly referred to as the iMeter 2 fuel meteralso has far fewer moving parts than other meters, meaning it is less likely the parts will wear, which improves accurate metering over the dispenser’s lifetime. Not only does the DFS Piston meter provide stability and accuracy over the expected lifetime of the dispenser, it is also equipped for the future. Fuels evolve, and not every fuel meter is able to withstand several fuel types without variations or adjustments; however, the DFS Piston meter has a robust design which ensures optimal performance with all fuel types – now and in the future. Service Interventions The EMEA fuel dispenser ranges are designed with a hydraulic stack to provide better access and faster maintenance service interventions. More importantly, the design of the hydraulic stack has fewer potential leak points than other models that use a hydraulic tree system (a system where all components are connected by fuel tubes with compression connections). As such, this hydraulic tree design has much more room for human error resulting in leaks from incorrect assembly and makes field maintenance more complex, potentially resulting in longer remedial time on site. The EMEA dispenser ranges use our patented double-bump connections throughout, which prevent any of the fuel tubes being assembled (or re-assembled after maintenance) incorrectly. This significantly reduces the risk of leaks within the dispenser, resulting in less maintenance call outs for better TCO. The double-bump connections also allow for much faster remedial time on site. All these design features, combined with our overall selection of quality materials and robust componentry, mean DFS dispensers are designed to have less maintenance callouts than other models available on the market. If our dispensers do require maintenance intervention, the easy access design, quick-hose connectors, and patented double-bump pipework connections make onsite remedial work safer and faster. This minimizes disruption to trade and reduces maintenance costs as there are fewer parts and shorter labour time. At DFS, we take care of the little (internal) details, so fuel retailers can make a big impact on the forecourt – little things, or not so little things, inside the fuel dispenser really can and do make a difference to forecourt operations. Useful links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Automatic Vehicle Identification: The Benefits of Nonintervention | DoverFuelingSolution

    Sep 29, 2021 Automatic Vehicle Identification: The Benefits of Nonintervention ​ Fleet owners face numerous challenges daily, including the ability to have accurate information about all their fleet vehicles and the fuel they are using. Chip keys, cards, and fobs can be lost, misplaced, or loaned out and there is no surefire way to verify where your fuel is going once the operator authorizes at the pump. Vehicle and fuel data are an important commodity for fleets, so why isn’t there a better way to see where fuel is going and have accurate vehicle data? Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) solution puts the power of authorization directly on your vehicles. With no cards or keys to misplace or loan out, you won’t need to worry about replacing lost keys or whether or not your fuel logs are showing the correct information. AVI Fuel Security Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) solution puts the power of authorization directly on your vehicles. With no cards or keys to misplace or loan out, you won’t need to worry about replacing lost keys or whether or not your fuel logs are showing the correct information. ​ With more and more data coming in about how your fuel site is running, fleet owners are looking for ways to be able to track every drop of fuel from the tank to the vehicle it goes into. With traditional authorization mediums, this just isn't possible. AVI moves the authorization medium to the fueling process to bring peace of mind that fuel is going into your fleet, and your records are accurate on which vehicles are using what fuel. By moving the authorization to the vehicle, you can save time and the headache of drivers losing cards or not being able to properly share vehicles due to fueling issues. AVI doesn’t require the driver to physically utilize a FOB, Card, or PIN at the terminal to fuel their vehicle. With this non-intervention, you can confidently know your fuel is being used for what you need it to be used for, and your back-end fuel data is accurate. AVI allows fleet managers to take control of how they manage their fleet and stay up to date on needed maintenance. AVI Automatic Data With the simplicity of nonintervention, AVI further allows fleet managers to manage their fleet with confidence by obtaining accurate data. Not only does nonintervention allow for easy fueling , but it can also automatically gather mileage and engine hour data from the vehicle without relying on an operator to manually type it in at the terminal. The elimination of human error and manual processes are huge benefits to fleet managers looking to streamline their operations. AVI allows fleet managers to take control of how they manage their fleet and stay up to date on needed maintenance. Combining AVI with the growing ecosystem of the DFS DX™ connected solutions platform, the DX Fleet® Mobile app, fleet managers now have the ability to manage their fuel and vehicles with accurate, up-to-date data behind them. Fleets are now primed to efficiently and accurately manage their vehicles and fuel like never before. To learn more about Automatic Vehicle Identification and the DFS DX™ platform, register for our webinar on Oct. 13 at 10:00 am CST. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Three Key Considerations for your Next Fuel Dispenser Purchase | DoverFuelingSolution

    December 27, 2023 Three Key Considerations for your Next Fuel Dispenser Purchase ​ Wondering if what you have is the best bang for your buck? Choosing the right fuel dispensers can have significant impact on a site’s success, and costs aren’t as straightforward as a calculated standard payback model. It’s important to assess features that can increase ROI, including longevity in certain environments, ability to meet shifting fuel demands and engage customers for stronger revenue streams. Easier Maintenance Increases Dispenser Life Maintenance requirements are an important component in forecasting lifetime cost of ownership. Durability demands different features for different sites. Are your dispensers bound to face extreme temperatures, intense rain, higher volume? Regardless of common wear and tear, factors such as location, weather and traffic patterns, accessibility of service technicians and parts play a role in defining your optimal dispenser make-up. While dispensers must adhere to certain regulated standards, investing in a model uniquely designed for your needs offers the best chance at longevity. Fuel dispensers from DFS undergo rigorous testing beyond industry requirements – for elements such as high impact and water resistance – to ensure they can withstand the harshest conditions in the field with minimal downtime and maintenance. Dispenser technology is advancing to alleviate disruptive downtime and reduce technician visits. Wayne Ovation® fuel dispensers, for example, offer accurate metering with one-step calibration for both standard and high-volume sites, configurable with interchangeable parts and up-to-date on security compliances. An accessible printer makes changing receipt paper faster, opening just the printer door and protecting electronics from exposure. DX Monitor® further reduces downtime with real-time alerts to maintenance issues and remote upgrades. Metering is a critical component too. Considerations beyond flow rate for ensuring meters can stand the test of time include: - Is the meter consistently accurate at various flow rates? - Is the shaft external or internal? Internal shafts reduce risk of tampering and theft. - Is the meter made of fewer, fused or custom molded parts? More pieces could be a precursor to frequent repairs and replacements as parts wear out. - How many steps are involved in calibration? One-step electronic calibration can cut down on maintenance frequency. - Can a meter handle the volume of traffic your site brings in? A standard meter suits a small or mid-sized neighborhood site. Higher volume sites likely would benefit from a sophisticated meter such as the Wayne Xflo® fuel meter. A Dispenser that Meets New Fuel Demands Adapts to Changing Markets Demands for newer fueling options are intensifying. Dispensers that can accommodate more options help demonstrate to your market you’re keeping a finger on the pulse of modern fueling. We recognize the importance of offering solutions for retailers serious about versatility and flexibility. DFS is committed to supplying retailers with future-proof options. The Ovation® fuel dispenser line comes standard with an E40/B20 UL listing, the first to do so in keeping pace with an ever-progressing industry. Wayne Ovation® Multi-hose dispenses up to seven different fuel grades with four hoses on each side. Innovative Solutions Turn Dispensers into Revenue Drivers Bringing customers into the store builds revenue stability. Consumers are embracing more targeted marketing and simplified transactions, recognizing platforms are increasingly secure and that personalized promotions offer a convenient, rewarding experience. Today’s dispenser solutions go beyond pump toppers or commercial advertising to digitize custom promotional campaigns, encourage loyalty and minimize purchase duration. Do you offer foodservice or add-ons that are critical to the overall financial health of your site(s)? Consider that up-front higher costs associated with dispensers offering advanced marketing technologies could quickly be offset by the uptick in revenue they help generate. How much of a difference in ROI can these make? For that answer, let’s look at real results from sites using Wayne Ovation® fuel dispensers with Anthem UX®. Anthem UX® platform offers a sleek digital touchscreen and leverages customized media through DX Promote®. Key Oil Company saw sizable growth in sales after installing at Keystops sites in 2021, including: o 22% increase in breakfast sales o 29% increase in fountain drink sales o 33% increase in donut sales o 101% increase in pizza sales (July ‘22 to Nov ‘22) A branded retailer in the Midwest experienced growth in loyalty program adoption. Swapping out pump toppers for ads on Anthem UX® platform produced 165 loyalty app downloads, dwarfing the two downloads won across four stores through print signage. Sites using Anthem UX® platform also report more fuel upgrades and total in-store revenue increases. One retailer saw car wash memberships climb 36%, while Triple Play Mobil saw a rise of 10% in both oil changes and car washes after running targeted ads. The recently launched DX Market™ powered by GRUBBRR® solution further connects forecourt and store, enabling at-dispenser self-ordering for foodservice and SKU items. These solutions, designed with both fuel retailers and consumers in mind, optimize dispenser assets to allow customization and ease of use, drive cross-forecourt revenue and improve experience. Anthem UX® technology, now available in the smaller AX12™ Enhanced, provides some of fueling retail’s most advanced marketing capabilities. Retrofit kits for Ovation fuel dispensers ensure easy integration for retailers when they’re ready. Greater return on your dispenser investment is easier today. All of these considerations center on choosing what’s most important for your business. Robust design and rigorous testing are crucial for lower cost of ownership over time, to be balanced with advancements to meet expanding fuel offerings and integrated solutions for increasing site revenue. The comprehensive dispensing solutions from DFS are a product of over 132 years of expertise combined with today’s leading innovations, helping to address all of these elements both today and prepare your site for advancements to come. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • How Dover Fueling Solutions® is Driving the Evolution of the Customer Experience | DoverFuelingSolution

    Jan 31, 2022 How Dover Fueling Solutions® is Driving the Evolution of the Customer Experience ​ The fuel industry has long operated through traditional, recognized systems. And until recently, companies have accepted existing technologies, with little focus on the consumer experience and how this can be improved. When new technologies were developed, the previous attitude was very much about providing the customer with what they think they want, rather than asking customers directly what they actually want. In recent years, the industry has started to realize this antiquated approach to developing new solutions is no longer sufficient and many companies now recognize the modern consumer is very different and ready for a change. Companies are also acknowledging the importance of improving the customer experience and working hard to develop innovative solutions that meet this common goal. Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) is one such company, and we're fortunate to have access to a large and diverse installed base with insightful users who have provided in-depth feedback on how integrated forecourt solutions should operate and deliver value. These data points are helping drive the next generation product and solution development focused on enhancing the customer experience. Market Trends: Let’s Look at the Data Over the past two years, DFS has noticed a huge surge in the number of contactless payments occurring on fuel stations throughout Europe – not just in-store, but on outdoor transactions as well. Before the COVID pandemic hit in early 2020, around 15% of fuel transactions were paid for via contactless methods (most of which were made in-store) via the Tokheim OASE™ (Online Authorisation and Switching Environment). But by October 2020, following the first and second waves of the pandemic, the percentage of contactless transactions had more than doubled to 32%. The statistics for outdoor contactless payment transactions are equally as impressive, with the percentage of transactions rising from 0.9% to 3.4%. Nevertheless, compared with indoor payment transactions, outdoor contactless payment has seen a much lower penetration rate, which can be mostly attributed to the cost of the hardware installations, as well as the specifics of outdoor payment using pre-authorizations. Noticing the potential for growth in outdoor payment solutions and the positive impact this would have on the consumer experience, DFS began migrating its install base to outdoor contactless payment solutions throughout 2020 and into 2021, and has now integrated 43% of its install base across Europe. The impact of COVID cannot be ignored as a direct reason for this growth across the board. Consumers have frequently opted for contactless methods of payment over cash alternatives, and are choosing private transport instead of public, resulting in an increase in the number of re-fuel sales. At the start of the pandemic, the contactless limit also increased from 20 to 50 euros, meaning consumers were able to pay for more expensive purchases – including fuel – via contactless means. COVID also impacted the choices that consumers made with regards to where they chose to shop. During the early stages of the pandemic, fuel retail sites were increasingly seen as a more convenient and safer place to shop than some of the larger supermarkets, given their local presence and lighter foot traffic. Statistics gathered show that while fuel sales decreased during COVID, convenience retail product sales increased significantly. Another trend in the fuel industry is the use of mobile payment, though this topic is still one of hot debate. There is no doubt mobile payment technology is evolving, and we are seeing some slower growth than expected as the industry begins to adopt new mobile payment solutions. However, there is still a way to go in terms of finding a mobile payment solution that promotes a great customer experience in order to bring mobile payment technology into the mix as a true competitor. The focus here needs to be primarily on the consumer experience to make it a success. Currently, card payment, whether traditional or contactless, is much easier and faster than mobile. Mobile payment solutions typically require the user to configure their device to submit payment, which can be fiddly, time-consuming and often frustrating. Regardless, mobile payment provides an opportunity for the industry, and DFS continues to explore this with its customers and technology partners. Once done right and made easier compared with card payments, it will be a game-changer, like many other mobile payment advancements in other industries. Driven by the wealth of data, DFS began looking at ways in which it could improve the customer journey at multiple points in the fueling process. The first problem it looked to address was the customer buying journey and the integration of in-store and forecourt purchases. How is DFS Utilizing these Trends to Bring New Solutions to the Market? Queuing has been identified as a key frustration of customers in recent years. For instance, 33% of customers leave the store without buying anything if the queues are likely to last longer than 7 minutes*. The importance of knowledgeable staff, the impact they have on customers making an informed purchase and ensuring they have the best experience throughout their buying process was also something DFS wanted to draw on when developing a new solution. DFS’ objective was to keep customers happy by helping them to avoid queues with a simple solution that would speed up the checkout process, as well as streamline the use of staff while reducing their footprint to lower costs for forecourt owners. The solution: the DFS Self-Checkout Kiosk. Studies have shown self-checkout kiosks are simply faster than traditional checkout systems. Even in peak periods, research shows consumers can scan, pay and continue with their day much more efficiently. They also lower operational costs by reducing the number of single-lane cashiers, allowing merchants to redeploy employees to complete other valuable tasks. A self-checkout kiosk is ideally suited for consumers with small baskets and strong card payment usage, making it perfect for the fuel retail sector. These kiosks can be placed into a relatively small area and typically take up less space than a single traditional point-of-sale (POS) system with a cashier. Once the solution had been decided, the challenge was to work out how it would be installed across forecourts throughout Europe and how it would be positioned depending on the market. Each fuel site has different needs, which would need to be determined on a site-by-site basis. Factors such as store architecture and the physical customer journey would both impact the location at which the terminals needed to be installed, as well as in which form. Additional considerations – such as the required extra functionality for certain markets – would also impact the integration of this solution. These features could include a light bar that indicates if a customer needed extra assistance or remote displays helping cashiers monitor what the customer is doing when making payments. However, the key to the success of the DFS Self-Checkout Kiosk was the ability for DFS to integrate market-specific payment methods with the system. In Belgium, for example, this was through Payconiq, a popular mobile payment solution based on QR codes. However, the most notable challenge for DFS was developing a solution that merged both convenience store purchases with fuel. DFS partnered with Big Brother, a CCTV supplier, to fully integrate the DFS Self-Checkout Solution and make it a reality. This partnership enabled visitors to site to make fuel payments by selecting their car from the live site footage, which reduced the number of mistakes and sped up the payment process. Another similar evolution piloted by DFS in the summer of 2021 on the French highway was the Mobile POS Kiosk. The French highway network is known for being exceptionally busy during the summer period, and retailers were looking for solutions to speed up the purchasing process and reduce congestion for their many customers, whilst allowing both convenience and fuel purchases to be made in a single transaction. They addressed the issue through the creation of small, completely mobile convenience units, which sold a variety of popular snacks and beverages, but also had the capability to accept card payments for fuel purchases at the same time – all without the customer having to enter the convenience store. The mobility of the solution meant fuel retailers could be responsive to the changing traffic, moving the kiosk to the busiest areas to keep the flow of customer traffic moving at a regular pace. The Mobile POS Kiosk solution was a strong example of how DFS responded to the needs of the French market, creating a positive consumer experience to stay close to its customers and improve throughput at site. DFS is already building in more functionality to the solution in order to roll it out to a wider market. It is another example of how DFS is improving the consumer experience and increasing site throughput. Perhaps the most notable consumer experience technology DFS has developed over the past few years is the DFS Anthem UX®. This ground-breaking, award-winning solution features an intuitive user interface that opens a new way for fuel retailers to interact with customers at the dispenser through a flexible content platform that allows for an unmatched customer experience that is simpler, faster, more relevant and entertaining. The Anthem UX® offers the customer a range of options when they fuel their vehicle, such as receipt type, fuel grade, operating language, media and sound levels. It also offers users multi-channel media selection across a broad range of content, such as weather, traffic, sports and other forms of entertainment, through the integration of DFS’ media solution, DX Promote® . Using DX Promote®, fuel retailers are also able to make use of increased branding and advertising capabilities, upselling different fuel grades, promoting in-store offers and offering loyalty rewards. What’s more, customers are able to make purchases for both fuel and convenience items at the dispenser itself, before they even enter the store. The Anthem UX® has already experienced huge success in the U.S. market for its unrivalled customer experience capabilities. The next challenge the company is facing is how to bring this revolutionary platform to other markets around the globe. The Future In recent years, governments and the public have become more and more concerned with finding greener alternatives to conventional means of travel. One trend that has really taken off is the development and adoption of electric vehicles (EV). The adoption of EV technology across the world varies heavily from country to country, with a small number of countries in Europe leading the way. In Belgium, for example, EVs for business use are subsidised by the government, providing a huge incentive for people to choose more environmentally friendly transport on a day-to-day basis. In Norway, 73.8% of all new passenger car registrations in November 2021 were fully electric**. There is no doubt the dawn of the EV is here, and it is only a matter of time before the rest of the world catches up with these leading examples. DFS has already secured strong partnerships with EV companies, including ChargePoint in North America, to improve its alternative fuel offering to its customers and keep up with this momentous trend. The next challenge DFS faces is how it should go about merging the ecosystem of the EV charger and the ecosystem at the fuel retail site to ensure customers have the same level of convenience they expect for vehicles powered by conventional fuels. So far, DFS has successfully integrated EV chargers into the fuel retailer’s site system using the industry standard OCPP protocol, thereby enabling the use of existing payment and loyalty solutions for EV chargers. This creates a better experience for consumers by providing clear insight into EV pricing. Fuel retailers are able to fully reconcile EV-related activity into their site reconciliation data, therefore benefitting from complete visibility on their overall site performance. Going forward, DFS will continue to advance its existing technologies and consumer experience platforms in 2022 and beyond. In 2021, DFS released its DFS DX™ to the global market, a cloud-enabled set of solutions created to offer a differentiating opportunity for both convenience retail and commercial fleet fuelling owners and operators through increased sales and reduced costs. DFS DX™ improves the customer experience by optimising site assets across the forecourt, winning the customers trust by way of a frictionless forecourt experience. DFS DX™ is the industry’s first open, global and common cloud platform that harnesses advanced analytics and IoT to deliver innovative solutions focused on customer experience and site optimization. The five core solutions for DFS DX™ span wetstock management, remote asset monitoring, targeted promotions and media at the dispenser, fleet fueling site management, and point of sale management. These solutions empower fuel retailers to identify fuel loss in real-time, optimize dispenser uptime, increase convenience retail sales through targeted digital promotions, centrally manage point-of-sale solutions and control an entire fleet fueling enterprise from a single cloud-based interface. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert *“High street retailers risk losing queue hating UK shoppers.” 25 Feb. 2021. **Randall, Chris. “Norway marks 11,274 new BEVs sold over November.” 2 Dec. 2021.,2%2C653%20new%20plug%2Din%20hybrids.

  • Reduce the Total Cost of Site Ownership: Start Monitoring Today | DoverFuelingSolution

    Oct 20, 2021 Reduce the Total Cost of Site Ownership: Start Monitoring Today ​ Managing dispensers across networks of retail fueling locations can be challenging. In addition, retailers typically don’t know when a dispenser isn’t operating correctly until a customer tells them, which is too late. Approximately 39 million Americans fill up their gas tanks every day at fuel dispensers, and many have experienced the following scenario: The customer pulls up to a fuel dispenser and there’s a problem. Maybe the fuel site isn’t on or it won’t take your payment. Maybe the flow of gas is really slow or maybe, you can get through the entire process of pumping your gas but can’t get a printed receipt and need to go get one from the gas attendant. In the vast majority of cases, gas station site operators don’t know there’s a problem until a customer tells them or complains. Start monitoring your sites today and reduce total cost of ownership Did you know approximately 90% of out-of-action fuel dispensers are reported by the customer? Without a remote monitoring system in place, it’s the customer who is informing the store operator of problems with their fuel dispensers the majority of the time. To makes matters worse, equipment problems can cause negative customer experiences that can affect both short- and long-term sales due to the customers reluctance to come back to the fueling site the next time they need to fill up. Needless to say, staying on top of issues that prevent critical equipment from operating at its best and resolving issues before they cause an impact is of critical importance to all site owners. Without proactive monitoring and real-time alerts on the health of each dispenser, service to customers can be interrupted, leading to customer dissatisfaction. Disruption to normal forecourt operations can be easily resolved or avoided through a remote management and site optimization solution that gives you the information you need to make your site more efficient and more cost-effective. DX Monitor, one of the core solutions comprising the DFS DX™ connected solutions platform, can help increase the availability and uptime of critical equipment at your sites, provide meaningful and relevant device data, reduce expenses and increase efficiency while supporting a more positive customer experience through remote monitoring and management. We’ve gathered a few tips to help you navigate remote monitoring and management technology. Identify and mitigate equipment problems MONITOR FROM A DASHBOARD No matter how many sites you’re monitoring, with DX Monitor®, the dashboard view is your core status hub and where you oversee everything. You’ll be able to quickly and easily understand how many sites need attention, what alerts have been occurring, and what recent actions have been taken. REPORT ALERTS DX Monitor® can be configured to report a number of alerts either via email or SMS. These alerts allow for timely awareness and responses to issues that can impact equipment performance or availability, or otherwise create a negative customer experience for those affected. Examples of alerts supported include: printer and paper issues, low flow rate, bad card reads, dispenser offline, secure payment module battery low, door breach and security issues. QUICKLY RESTORE EQUIPMENT Timely understanding and clear communication of specific issues with identified equipment can speed response times by store operators or designated maintenance personnel, restoring equipment to optimal performance and supporting the fueling experience your customers deserve. Manage and maintain equipment remotely while lowering operational costs REMOTELY FACILITATE TROUBLESHOOTING DX Monitor® enables site operators or maintenance personnel to be made aware of issues via alerts in the application or sent notifications via SMS/email. DX Monitor® can help facilitate troubleshooting and analysis without maintenance personnel being physically present at the site. In addition to alerts, personnel can securely retrieve data logs, view the dispenser screen, initiate a reboot and inventory equipment. REMOTELY RETRIEVE DISPENSER LOGS Provides the ability to remotely retrieve and evaluate the log file of a dispenser, which allows technicians to retrieve logs from the dispenser, terminal, and Edge devices for easier troubleshooting VIEW DISPENSER SCREEN Additional context can be provided via the ability to remotely view what is being displayed on the dispenser screen to the end-user as this can indicate certain error messages or make visible certain behavior that is otherwise not easily communicated. REMOTE REBOOT In many cases, rebooting the dispenser can clear error conditions and return it to a normal operating state. Rebooting can also be a key part of troubleshooting to return the dispenser to a known good state prior to focused investigation. REMOTE INVENTORY DX Monitor® can be used to report on your inventory of dispensers and their components as well as those components that are designated as PCI assets. This reporting capability not only provides an accurate inventory of assets, but also provides other key information such as deployed software versions and device serial numbers. REDUCE SITE MAINTENANCE VISITS DX Monitor® provides the ability to receive timely condition-based alerts, remotely manage and troubleshoot issues, and initiate upgrades that contribute to lower overall operational costs. With typical costs for site visits by service personnel ranging between $250 and $500 per visit on average, any site visit avoided produces direct benefit to the site’s bottom line. REMOTE UPGRADES The ability to deploy software upgrades remotely has proven to be a tremendous benefit to DX Monitor® customers with well-established parameters for savings over the need for personnel to physically attend sites. With DX Monitor®, software can be deployed to individual dispensers, all dispensers at a site or all dispensers at multiple sites. The customer is able to schedule these deployments in a way that suits their site and schedule. This can include immediate ad-hoc site visits or scheduled for periods that will minimize disruption to site operations, such as early morning hours or on weekends. WELL-MAINTAINED EQUIPMENT In addition to minimizing service visits, well-maintained equipment can cost less to operate. Addressing these issues proactively while they’re still minor or small instead of waiting can minimize larger, more expensive and higher impact problems that could potentially shorten the life of your equipment. REDUCED NUMBER OF URGENT VISITS Proactive monitoring and remote management can reduce the number of urgent (and higher cost) visits through remote access to dispenser logs as well as clearing errors through reboot. Remote access to accurate information can lead to increased first time fix rate as well as reduced service visits overall. Proactive monitoring and remote management can help you maximize the efficiency of your forecourt by identifying and responding to issues while minimizing the time, resources, and expense associated with maintaining your equipment. Utilizing the ability to remotely update dispenser software and firmware, DX Monitor® reduces maintenance costs and maximizes fuel dispenser uptime. Having visibility over the health of each forecourt in your enterprise enables you to proactively prioritize maintenance activities and focus on sites that need immediate or near-term attention. By providing access to insights on each dispenser and fueling point, DX Monitor® can help make your fueling station more efficient, more cost effective, and ultimately deliver a reliable, frictionless experience to your customers. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • UNITI Expo Success for Dover Fueling Solutions® | DoverFuelingSolution

    May 29, 2024 UNITI Expo Success for Dover Fueling Solutions® ​ From 14th – 16th May, Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) wowed stand visitors at the 2024 UNITI Expo — the leading retail petroleum and car wash trade fair in Europe — with an extensive range of products and solutions which showcased their ability to connect to each other, highlighting the possibilities of a truly “connected forecourt”. At the expo, DFS revealed how its products and solutions seamlessly connect with one another to emphasize how retailers could utilize each piece of equipment for their business to add credible value to their success. It’s time for change, both on the forecourt and in the c-store – which is why DFS chose the UNITI Expo to launch several brand-new products and solutions to help retailers future-proof their fuel retail business. RDM by DFS: Remote Dispenser Diagnostics and Remote Management Made Easy Introducing RDM by DFS – a remote diagnostics and management solution, which will enable retailers to invest in a truly connected dispenser. With the ability to remotely troubleshoot and fix dispenser issues in real-time, RDM by DFS can reduce maintenance costs and maximize dispenser uptime. Having visibility over the health of each dispenser on a service station, or stations, enables retailers to proactively prioritize maintenance activities and focus on sites that need immediate or near-term attention. By providing access to and insights on each dispenser and fueling point, RDM by DFS can help make service stations more efficient and cost effective, while ultimately delivering a reliable, frictionless customer experience. DFS Order Kiosk™ powered by FLYX: Advanced C-store Ordering With enhanced, user-friendly software capabilities — for both c-store customers and staff — the DFS Order Kiosk™ powered by FLYX can add real value to a fuel retail business. Through an easy-to-use ordering process, customers can expect shorter queues so they can get what they want faster. But that’s not all . . . with various media options, which have shown to increase the average basket size, retailers also have an opportunity to increase c-store revenue. Happier customers equal better business. The DFS Order Kiosk™ is convenient, compact, and efficient. It’s the perfect solution for retailers looking to enhance their service station offering, while improving operations and employee efficiency. ​ In addition to these new launches, DFS’ enhanced product and solutions portfolio enables fuel site and network owners to connect their forecourt to the future. Whether retailers are looking to seamlessly bridge the gap between their clean energy equipment (liquified natural gas (LNG) dispenser, hydrogen dispenser, electric vehicle (EV) chargers, etc.) and the entire forecourt offering, or improve their end-to-end management to identify all instances of fuel loss, DFS has what it takes to make any service station stronger and more efficient. In fact, our carefully selected products and services, together, help bring unrivalled functionality and connectivity to a forecourt. Kurt Dillen, Vice President and General Manager of the EMEA and SAIL regions at DFS, said, “Within DFS we have different Business Units and all of them are delivering super interesting new products and solutions. At this year’s UNITI Expo, we had the opportunity to share our long and fascinating story with customers, distributors, and stand visitors about why we are product leaders, and we can prove this with our new projects.” ​ Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • The Benefits of Electric Vehicles | DoverFuelingSolution

    August 17, 2023 The Benefits of Electric Vehicles ​ Approximately 477,000 electric vehicles (EVs) are currently being used in the United Kingdom (UK). There was a 35.4% increase in electric cars registered in August 2022, compared to the same month in 2021 and an almost 9.9% increase in electric car sales in July 2022. Their popularity is growing across Europe too. In 2020, approximately 1,325,000 electric cars were registered across the continent, an increase from 550,000 units in the previous year. With the current rise in climate change warnings and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, it is no wonder people are choosing to jump from their traditionally fueled cars to EVs. Here, we discuss some of the benefits of using EVs, from financial to environmental. Environment The fuel we use to heat our homes and run our vehicles significantly impacts the environment. In 2020, 43% of all household emissions in the UK were due to travel and Europe’s transportation contributed to 15% of global transportation emissions. Buying an electric vehicle can have many benefits. It is better for the environment than your traditional ICE-fueled car due to the process behind the power. EVs don’t emit carbon dioxide emissions and are not actively contributing to the rising levels of greenhouse gases. Including the production and manufacturing of the vehicle itself, EVs produce approximately half the carbon emissions of traditional gas vehicles across their entire lifetime – making them better options for the daily commute and even commercial fleets. David Mc Guinness, Director of Product Management, Electric Vehicle Charging at Dover Fueling Solutions, says: ‘Using electric vehicles can be one way to reduce your carbon footprint. Unlike internal combustion engines (ICEs), which release tailpipe emissions, EVs work on lithium-ion batteries. This means they can be charged from renewable energy sources and don’t need a tailpipe as they emit no CO2 emissions, reducing your environmental impact. ‘Electric power isn’t just for passenger cars. Businesses can start working towards reducing their carbon emissions through the transportation they use. Electrified fleets and carefully planned journeys can see haulage running without carbon emissions.’ Prepare for future As global warming intensifies, global populations are putting pressure on governments to make policy changes, investing in an EV can keep you in line with the future of transportation, whether this is in step with personal or continent-wide commercial preferences. The UK government has a plan to ban all sales of new gas and diesel vehicles by 2030, in line with the call for action made by the International Energy Agency as they aim for a net-zero 2050. This means that, eventually, all new sales will be electric. Although this timeline is still far in the future, motorists and fuel retailers should start looking to make investments now, so they can be better prepared when the time comes. In the UK three in ten new cars being delivered are EV. And with further funding put in place as the European Investment Bank invested 1.6 billion euros to EU members to support electric and battery vehicle projects, adopting this transition and working towards more environmentally friendly transportation can keep you from falling behind. Finance Investing in an EV can save you money. With the current cost-of-living crisis, driving prices up across the board and a threat of further price increases on fuel, it is costly to keep driving gas-fueled cars and large commercial fleets. Driving an EV has multiple financial benefits, from cheaper fueling to lower taxes. Charging your car at home is cheaper than paying the rising fuel prices that European countries are currently facing. Energy companies are implementing reductions for homeowners choosing to charge an EV from their property, offering either dual rates, which lowers the overnight cost of charging a car, or discounted energy bills if the same rate is paid. These overnight costs can help companies charge their fleets fully, depending on working hours. There are also government grants reducing the amount you must pay to run your EV. The government is willing to assist in installing personal charging ports by paying up to 75% of the costs. As EVs don’t emit emissions, motorists will not be liable to pay road tax. And across Europe, 12 countries offer premiums and bonus payments for people who purchase Evs, with Germany, Italy and France offering monetary incentives of up to 9,000, 10,000 and 12,000 euros, respectively. Equally, an EV is cheaper to maintain than a standard gas-fueled car. Not only does the battery warranty on Evs last longer – averaging eight years compared to the car’s warranty of three years – but other car service options could be cheaper. As oil changes and other engine-upkeep procedures aren’t necessary, EVs are cheaper to maintain. Better driving experience Another benefit of owning an EV is that it can give you a better driving experience than gas and diesel cars. Electric cars don’t require gears to function, so they can provide a smoother driving journey than a traditionally fueled manual or even an automatic car that shifts through the gears internally. This also means the torque is available instantly, giving you no delay when you set off and a quieter experience, benefiting both you and your neighbors. Due to the instant pick-up electric cars offer, driving in traffic is easier. Unlike gas and diesel cars, which need to reach peak band performance before moving from their spot, electric cars move instantaneously. Equally, braking or removing your foot from the gas pedal can also replenish some of the battery in your car via regenerative braking, making the interruptions in your driving caused by traffic jams less wasteful. There are many benefits to EVs, including financial and environmental. Not only can an EV be a more comfortable drive, but charging can also be a cheaper option than refueling. By investing in EVs, whether for personal or company use, you will be keeping up with the future of transportation as the transition to eco-friendlier and more sustainable fueling solutions continues. ​ Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert're%20thinking%20of,to%20large%20savings%20over%20time.,cost%20of%20any%20unexpected%20failures.,project%20pilots%20in%20EU%20members.

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