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  • Leading by Listening: Kendra Keller Wins ARMA’s Executive of the Year | DoverFuelingSolution

    March 9, 2023 Leading by Listening: Kendra Keller Wins ARMA’s Executive of the Year ​ Kendra Keller was recently named Executive of the Year by the Austin Regional Manufacturers Association. We sat down with Keller to learn more about her leadership style, the challenges 2022 posed, and what she’s most looking forward to this year. ​ For Kendra Keller, 2022 was the ultimate endurance test. As Vice President and General Manager of North America at Dover Fueling Solutions®, Keller began the year by navigating the continued fallout of the pandemic and the business hurdles it created. Then, in March, a more immediate challenge emerged: A series of tornados hit south central Texas, including the Austin campus of DFS. Buildings were damaged, and critical networks went down. The outlook seemed bleak. Yet within just four days, DFS was back up and running with minimal disruption to their customers and employees. How did such a trying year become a successful test of DFS’ resilience? Keller is a big part of the equation. With more than 11 years with DFS, she has made critical decisions that have allowed the company to prosper during the pandemic, supply chain crisis and other macro-economic conditions that have existed while continuing to prepare for other challenges ahead. On February 23, Keller was honored with the Austin Regional Manufacturers Association’s Executive of the Year Award. The award recognizes an executive who has met business challenges with thoughtful and demonstrably successful leadership. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Keller to learn more about her thoughts on receiving the ARMA award, her reflections on her career, and her vision for DFS. ​ Question: How does it feel to be honored by ARMA? Last year was truly challenging, and I had moments of questioning whether I was doing things right or making a difference. To get an award like this after such a tough year feels uniquely gratifying and affirming. Also, I’m excited by our partnership with ARMA to learn about other companies and their decision-making processes. Question: How would you characterize yourself as a leader? What’s your leadership style? Above all, I think I’m an empathetic leader. I truly care, and I listen. At the same time, I hold people accountable and have high standards for my team. But I make it clear to them that I’m here both to support them and collaborate with them. For me, collaboration is critical. Leadership isn’t about prescribing solutions; it’s about working toward them together. Clarity is important to me too. I try to be unambiguous and to the point. Question: Reflecting on 2022, is there a moment you’re particularly proud of? Dealing with the tornado in March is the first thing that comes to mind. The fact that all of our employees were safe and we were able to get production back up and running within days — that helped show me that the worst imaginable event can help bring folks together with a renewed sense of purpose. And on a personal level, the fact that we were able to close out 2022 with extremely high employee engagement and execution, despite the year’s setbacks, makes me proud. Question: As an executive in a largely male-dominated space, do you have advice for other female leaders? No. 1: Why not? Just give it a shot! Earlier in my career, I thought I had to check all the proverbial boxes to achieve a role like the one I have now. And that’s just not true. I think more women deserve to feel a sense of courage to pursue roles that may, on the surface, seem like a reach. Often, they’re not. As women, I think we can occasionally be our own worst enemy. It’s all right to aim higher than you think you can land. A lot of the time that’s what your male counterparts are doing. ​ Question: How would you describe the culture of DFS, and how has it evolved since COVID? What role have you had in that change? We have a great culture at DFS. It’s collaborative, we hold each other accountable, and we’re execution champions. But beyond that, we genuinely all like one another. And that’s rare. As far as COVID, I think the pandemic has helped us become more of a global company, because these days, it truly doesn’t matter where you are. Reflecting on my role, I think and hope that I helped champion a more flexible and cross-functional working environment, especially through COVID. And I know I’ve never thought about employees more than during COVID — how to keep them safe, how to keep them motivated. So, on a personal level, the pandemic has shaped me into a more empathetic leader. Question: What are your professional goals in 2023 and longer term? I want to challenge myself to keep learning. At DFS specifically, I think we’ve had trying years since the pandemic, and I’d like to continue working to establish a sense of normalcy and stability here. Setting the business up for continued growth and success isn’t a next-year challenge; it’s something I want to do now. ​ Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Consistent LNG Refueling. Unlimited Storage. The Benefits of the LIQAL BTU Boil-Off Gas Treatment UNIT (BTU) | DoverFuelingSolution

    September 28, 2022 Consistent LNG Refueling. Unlimited Storage. The Benefits of the LIQAL BTU Boil-Off Gas Treatment UNIT (BTU) ​ As we move forward, Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) will become one of the mainstream fuels for heavy-duty transport – even more so for the fully sustainable variant bio-LNG – within the fuel and convenience retail industry. It’s an essential part of the decarbonized energy mix, next to hydrogen and electricity, for the transport sector. So, why aren’t there more LNG stations, and why aren’t new LNG powered vehicles being registered by fleet owners? Soaring Gas Prices and Economic Uncertainty. These are two of the main concerns for fuel retail businesses and fleet owners across Europe. As such, there is a reluctance to invest in new clean fuels until the market settles down and prices start to reduce. What many don’t realise is the energy mix in the fuel retail and convenience industry is only going to change and grow as the world tries to balance the ever-growing global demand for more energy. Businesses need to make the right investments in clean fuel now so they can effectively take on new challenges this energy diversification brings. The LIQAL LNG dispenser and LIQAL Boil-off Gas Treatment Unit (BTU) are sound investments that can help take the pressure off a business (quite literally). With the LIQAL LNG dispenser offering an intuitive fueling experience for truck drivers, with outstanding uptime, and BTU providing advanced liquefaction technology to ensure reliable performance, business owners can upgrade their fuel sites, against low total cost of ownership (TCO), while investing in the latest clean fuel technology. If you’re concerned of high OPEX costs and high liquid nitrogen (LIN) logistic costs as well as the management, logistics and operations burden – you don’t have to be. With the unique patented BTU re-liquefaction system, the pressure is off. What is Boil-Off Gas? Boil-Off Gas (BOG) is the continuously evaporated LNG due to heat entering the cryogenic storage vessel, which causes the pressure inside the LNG storage tank to rise. Venting of BOG into the atmosphere must be avoided at all costs: • Methane is a powerful green-house gas • The BOG contains costly molecules that are simply vented away and will result in LNG stock loss • As part of the (Europe) Green Deal, venting of methane into atmosphere will become illegal Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) provide a patented solution with the BTU – a unique system that converts BOG back into liquid form. What are the Benefits of Investing in the BTU? No Time Limits: Guaranteeing a perfectly conditioned environment for the storage of LNG, the proven LIQAL Boil-off Gas Treatment Unit (BTU) can store LNG fuel safely for an unlimited amount of time. This modular unit removes the need for any active management of storage pressure, eliminating the need for LIN consumption and logistics, while maximizing the LNG storage capacity for optimal delivery of LNG fuel to your station. Environmentally Friendly: The BTU protects the environment by preventing the venting of BOG into the atmosphere. It does this in a cost-effective way that does not impact LNG deliveries, nor demands active management, making life simpler. As a fully standalone unit with its own advanced process control system, it can effectively control the storage of LNG across new and existing LNG fueling stations. Low TCO: The BTU is designed to deliver extreme reliability over its long lifetime and does not require any consumable like LIN. Its internal components have been built to last, are field-proven and require fewer maintenance interventions in demanding use and high-throughput applications compared with other liquefaction systems on the market, resulting in a low TCO. Simply put, the BTU is worth the investment. Additional benefits include: • Allows for minimal civil works and onsite constructive time, with the possibility to be relocated • Plug & Play modular design. This system can work with any LNG storage tank that has a liquid and vapour connection • Durable quality for reliable operation • Possibility to provide cold LNG to trucks • BTU Remote Performance Management is available to maximize re-liquefaction The BTU brings care-free, consistent LNG fueling to motorists and provides fuel business owners with a zero-maintenance storage solution for an unlimited amount of time. Although there’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, one thing you can be sure of is the BTU is a cost-effective investment that can help future proof forecourts, enabling them to effectively and efficiently adapt to the changing energy requirements within the market. The journey to a cleaner, greener future couldn’t be simpler with LIQAL LNG and BTU solutions from DFS. ​ Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • 3 ways to keep your C-store customers coming back | DoverFuelingSolution

    May 11, 2021 3 ways to keep your C-store customers coming back ​ Simply put, customer loyalty means customers are more likely to return to your business than the competition’s. And repeat business is one of the most valuable consumer behaviors. There is no denying that return customers are worth more than new customers. But 44% of companies have a greater focus on customer acquisition vs the 18% that focus on retention (Saleh, 2019). Which category do you fall into? According to Forbes (Rioux, 2020): It costs five times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an old customer Increasing customer retention rates by 5% will increase profits anywhere from 25% up to 95% In a tight-margin industry that monitors gasoline prices down to the half-penny, dropping price to gain loyalty is not always an option. So, what are your current strategies to develop life-long customers? And what are some of your choices? Considering four of the top five drivers of customer engagement are related to experience, it is vital you work to develop relationships with your customers instead of working to close individual sales. Enhance experience The days of dimly lit forecourts with damaged canopies are behind us. To keep customers coming inside, it is important to make them feel invited and safe throughout their visit. Whether greeting customers at the pump or greeting them when they walk through your door, the power of feeling welcome is undeniable in driving loyalty. But customers visit c-stores for a reason, so the top priority is to meet the varying needs that customers are seeking. Forecourt customers need quickly and accurately dispensed fuel. Non-fueling customers need quick checkouts and accurate inventory available. Meeting customer needs consistently will develop a longer-term relationship as you become a resource your customers can depend on. And never forget to thank them for their business – out loud, on paper, or through an app. Promote rewards Leverage the strength of your oil brand’s loyalty program or create your own. Work to integrate rewards that can be redeemed for fuel and in-store purchases to drive customers inside. While the fuel portion of their visit will drive customers to your property, the merchandise portion will encourage customers to step inside your store. Did you know the average American consumer is a member of 15 different loyalty programs, but only engages with seven (Bond, 2019)? Make your program one of the seven by tailoring rewards to purchase history, incentivizing in-store visits and reaching out to customers that have not visited your business for an extended period. The cost of reconnecting is less than initial outreach, and customers appreciate the feeling of being valued. Leverage technology Technology levels the playing field and enables every size retailer to meet customers in their comfort zone. Platforms available today are capable of remaining intuitive for the traditional crowd, while expanding to meet the complex needs of the modern consumer. Loyalty starts at the pump. Provide a fast, secure, EMV-compliant transaction through reliable dispensers equipped with modern technology. Capitalize on the captive audience at the dispenser by utilizing platforms that deliver targeted ads before, during and after fueling. Upgrade to contactless payment solutions while delivering advertisements that gain attention, drive interest and close sales. In a world full of noise, send a clear message: Your store is customer-centric, customized and convenient. The Wayne Ovation® fuel dispenser with Anthem UX™ platform is every retailer’s key to capturing new customers and the data you need to keep them. Learn more today. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert Saleh, Khalid. “Customer Acquisition Vs.Retention Costs – Statistics And Trends.” Invesp, 11 Nov. 2019, Rioux, Patricia. “The Value Of Investing In Loyal Customers.” Forbes, 29 Jan. 2020, Bond Brand Loyalty. “The Loyalty Report.” HubSpot, Sep 2019,

  • Four Things You Need to Know About the EMEA Fuel Dispenser Ranges | DoverFuelingSolution

    November 9, 2023 Four Things You Need to Know About the EMEA Fuel Dispenser Ranges ​ Despite the move towards decarbonization, internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles are still prevalent in most markets and, according to some reports, many will be in use long after 2030. Aging dispenser equipment will eventually need to be replaced to avoid breakdowns, as normal equipment wear and tear could lead to nozzles becoming in-operational, resulting in forecourt congestion and queuing. But why invest in a Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) dispenser? With the new Tokheim Quantium®, Wayne Helix® and Wayne Century™ 3 fuel dispenser ranges, – available in Europe, the Middle East and Africa – every detail is taken into consideration to minimize site downtime and installation costs, making the process (and cost) of change as streamlined as possible. In this article, we’ll drill down into some unique capabilities the Tokheim Quantium®, Wayne Helix® and Wayne Century™ 3 fuel dispenser ranges provide fuel retailers. Enhanced Modularity, Customization, and Media The EMEA dispenser ranges come with an extended range of options to meet specific requirements and a broad range of applications, from heavy-duty vehicle refueling to fuel retailing. In fact, there are more than 10,000 possible configurations, which means fuel retailers can create a dispenser that fits their specific wants, needs and forecourt layout. Engineered with an intelligent modular design and packed with industry leading component technology, the EMEA dispenser ranges have superior nozzle availability and embody future-proof engineering with retrofit modularity, enabling retailers to build a perfect model for their forecourt, now and in the future. The entire range is also completely customizable in terms of branding, with the same trusted corrosion protection on each part, through our leading in-house paint and print technology. Integrated digital media is another way for fuel retailers to completely customize each dispenser and optimize the consumer refueling experience. With the Tokheim Quantium® ML, Wayne Helix® 5000 II, and Wayne Helix® 6000 II, T-Media™ by Dover Fueling Solutions (DFS) can be integrated into the dispenser, turning each dispenser into a promotional powerhouse. This allows retailers to interact with consumers, based on dispenser activity, so media content is synced with the consumers interaction with the fuel dispenser. It’s another way for retailers to boost sales and profit margins. Improved User Experience Motorists are no longer only looking to refuel when they arrive at a service station, and their overall customer experience is now a deciding factor when it comes to selecting where and when to refuel. The new EMEA dispenser ranges take the user experience into account with an enhanced hose retraction system and electronic dispenser head. The new design on the Quantium® ML, Helix® 5000 II, and Helix® 6000 II fuel dispensers also offer a new premium 7-6-5 sales and volume display for optimal user experience and up to five individual unit displays. The hose retraction system used is specifically designed for durability, meaning it is more robust than other dispenser hose management systems on the market. A durable, long-lasting hose retraction system means it is less likely to require repairs or be out of service for motorists. With easy free reach, the new EMEA dispenser ranges ensures motorists do not have to use force when pulling the hose to refuel, and models with long hose reach gives motorists the flexibility to park and refuel from every pump in island position, with ease. Minimal Meter Drift and Accurate Fast Fueling Designed for superior stability and accuracy over the lifetime of the dispenser, the DFS Piston meter ensures accurate metering in all conditions – exceptional stability, in fact, with minimal drift of 0.04% over 8 million litres. In addition, each dispenser range features electronic calibration and benefits from an industry best resolution of 400 pulses per litre for enhanced accuracy across all flow rates. Not only does the DFS Piston meter provide stability and accuracy over the lifetime of the dispenser, it is also future proof. Fuels evolve, and not every fuel meter is able to withstand varying fuel types without variations or adjustments; however, the DFS Piston meter has a robust design which ensures optimal performance with all fuel types – now and in the future. 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗛𝘆𝗱𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗹𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 Do you know the difference between vane and a gear pump technology? It's a component within a fuel dispenser, one that most fuel retailers don’t give a second thought, but it has a big impact on the longevity of the dispenser. Vane-style pumps are more likely to cause a breakdown long-term due to parts that wear, and it is also more sensitive to dirt particles (found in fuel), which again can cause a breakdown and maintenance cost. A vane-style pump also causes more vibrations within the dispenser – not only does this cause a lot of noise, the vibrations can strain other internal components, increasing the risk of wear and leaks. This is why the new EMEA dispenser ranges utilize the DFS gear pump. It is more robust and utilizes high quality components to reduce risk of leaks, while ensuring reliable and durable operational performance. There is also minimal vibration within the dispenser, reducing noise as well as the risk of wear and leaks. In addition, these dispensers use a hydraulic stack design to ensure better access and faster maintenance interventions, as well as reduced leak points overall. Tube connections within the hydraulic system are made with our patented double-bump connections, which prevent any of the tubes being assembled (or re-assembled after maintenance) incorrectly and allow for much faster remedial time on site. The Tokheim Quantium®, Wayne Helix® and Wayne Century™ 3 fuel dispensers are here to bridge the gap as the world transitions to a cleaner, greener future. Engineered with field-proven global components and corrosion resistant materials, the new EMEA DFS dispenser ranges offer exceptional reliability, enhanced modularity, advanced hydraulics, and minimal meter drift. Retailers looking to upgrade can rest assured they are investing in a dispenser built to last. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Transform Regular Fuel into Premium Grades, Economically, with the Wayne Helix® 6000 Additive Dispenser | DoverFuelingSolution

    May 7, 2021 Transform Regular Fuel into Premium Grades, Economically, with the Wayne Helix® 6000 Additive Dispenser ​ It’s no secret the balance between attracting (and retaining) customers while controlling operational costs is a constant battle for fuel retailers. One method of attracting customers is to offer a broader range of regular and premium fuel grades. Now, Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) has just made this customer enticement less expensive and more practical for fuel retailers — because no additional underground fuel tanks are necessary. ​ The Wayne Helix® 6000 additive dispenser allows a retailer to offer premium-grade fuels onsite, using regular fuel as the base. The dispenser works on a simple principle referred to as additive dosing, which is typically done on the terminal rack by the oil company. For example, oil companies take a standard 95 octane petroleum fuel product and boost it with additives to yield 97- or 99-octane premium-grade fuel. They apply the same process to diesel fuels. According to DFS Director of Product Marketing, Søren Powell-Holse, “The concept of dosing fuels with additives is already proven. The Helix 6000 Additive dispenser uses the same principle, but on a smaller scale and at the point of sale. This form of dosing technology is exclusive to DFS — no other fuel dispenser manufacturer is offering it.” Dosing is controlled by the dispenser calculator to ensure the dosing matches the flow rate for the correct proportional blend of standard fuel to additive. Additive can be added from 500 to 3600 parts-per-million, providing a range of fuel blend options. The Helix 6000® Additive fuel dispenser can deliver one or two additional grades on top of its regular specifications. To ensure accurate dispensing and compliance with trading standards, the additive is injected into the fuel before metering out for each nozzle. The system is compatible with VR Stage II recovery to ensure no harmful vapors are released into the environment. The flexible design allows it to work with both suction and pressures systems making it a viable option for most retailers. ​ At the forecourt, the fuel dosing technology and hardware is relatively unobtrusive; it appears to be a normal fuel cabinet. The additive system is designed to blend seamlessly with the Helix 6000’s overall innovative and sleek design. Housed within the dispenser cabinet is a 40-litre additive tank, pump, meter and a tank-level monitoring system. The additive tank is typically capable of dosing up to 400 fillings of premium fuel before needing to be replenished. A Helix 6000® additive dispenser can house up to two additive modules, yielding three fuel grades from a single standard fuel product. Ballenoil Oil Company in Southern Spain is one of the fuel retailers that has already converted 40 of its retail operations to the Helix 6000 Additive fuel dispenser. Jorge González, Ballenoil’s Technical Support Manager, noted that to maintain a competitive edge in the market, Ballenoil needed to offer additional fuel grades. Yet, it discovered adding additional underground tanks was cost prohibitive. Instead, Ballenoil elected to implement a pilot program, featuring the Wayne Helix® 6000 additive dispenser. “We initially thought about adding new tanks,” González said. “But we found the Helix® 6000 additive option was really the best solution. We’ve seen a spike in customer traffic and are quickly recovering the cost of the new pumps through additional margin.” Ballenoil is in the process of converting additional retail locations, starting with those that have the most dated fuel equipment. ​ The ability to offer several fuel grades can help generate retail traffic. The sale of premium grades, however, offers additional benefits. Premium fuel commands additional margin. Further, onsite dosing using the Helix ®6000 additive system can be more economical than tying up cash in large purchases of premium grade fuels. Early adopters of the technology report seeing increased profits as a direct result of the Helix® 6000 additive dispenser. Since its debut, the Helix® 6000 additive dispenser has gained traction in several countries, including Spain, Ireland and Australia. It offers an economical means of offering more fuel grades at retail without significant investment. To learn more, contact your local Dover Fueling Solutions® sales representative. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Hector Trabucco, DFS: “A América Latina será uma adotante tardia de combustíveis alternativos” | DoverFuelingSolution

    June 30, 2021 Hector Trabucco, DFS: “A América Latina será uma adotante tardia de combustíveis alternativos” ​ O veterano da indústria, Hector Trabucco, conversou com a PetrolPlaza sobre sua recente nomeação como líder da Dover Fueling Solutions® na América Latina, tendências regionais e porque o compliance deve ser uma prioridade inegociável. Nascido na Argentina, Hector Trabucco tem mais de 20 anos de experiência no setor de combustível e lojas de conveniência. Depois de atuar como CEO da Gilbarco Veeder-Root para a América Latina, ele passou três anos fora do setor. Em setembro de 2020, foi nomeado vice-presidente e gerente geral para a América Latina na DFS. ​ Q: Você assumiu o cargo de Vice Presidente e Diretor Geral da Dover Fueling Solutions® na América Latina em meio à pandemia. Como tem sido esse ano para você até agora? A: Na verdade, tem sido ótimo. Depois de três anos fora da indústria, trabalhando com uma empresa diferente, é bom voltar às minhas raízes. É uma grande oportunidade liderar os negócios da DFS na América Latina. Foi um ano incomum - a Covid impactou a demanda substancialmente. Como equipe, um dos maiores desafios que enfrentamos foi como contornar os obstáculos da pandemia. É o impacto sobre a demanda e como gerenciar um negócio. Nossa fábrica no Rio de Janeiro já está em operação há 90 anos. O Brasil é um dos nossos maiores mercados devido à nossa tradição no país e ao seu tamanho. Com 40.000 oportunidades de negócio, é o maior mercado da região. Também trabalhamos com grandes empresas de petróleo na América do Sul, como YPF, Axion Energy, Copec, Primax e Shell há décadas. Q: O que você identifica como os mercados mais promissores agora? A: Temos avançado em países com projetos focados em um portfólio ampliado, que inclui soluções de pagamento, fidelização e frota. Avançamos no Peru, Equador, Colômbia, Chile e Argentina. No futuro próximo, eles continuarão a ser importantes. Queremos continuar crescendo em nosso segmento de soluções, pois já somos muito fortes em termos de bombas. No Brasil também estamos focando em soluções como medição automática de tanques (ATG). Q: A DFS assinou um acordo com a Alvic em agosto para a distribuição de produtos de gerenciamento de estoque úmido na América Latina. Como você vê o desenvolvimento desse segmento na região? Temos uma estratégia muito agressiva de expansão no futuro em serviços de alto valor agregado, como gerenciamento de estoque úmido e soluções de precificação. Recentemente, lançamos a plataforma de soluções conectadas habilitadas para nuvem DFS DX em um nível global - uma solução que nos permite unir todas as nossas ofertas com suporte de visibilidade de dados. O sistema também faz parte da nossa oferta na América Latina. Outra parte crescente do nosso negócio é o pagamento. Temos uma combinação única de terminais de pagamento externos e opção de pagamento na bomba que fornece uma integração perfeita aos nossos clientes. Isso ajuda a acelerar a implementação. Negócios diferentes se adequam à diferentes modelos. ​ Q: Em termos de abastecimento, o que você vê como uma tendência importante na região? A: Há um número crescente de tipos de combustível sendo oferecidas. Temos vários graus de diesel, dependendo do teor de enxofre e do nível de aditivos. A oferta de mais combustíveis é um desafio para os empreendedores, pois tem impacto na sua infraestrutura. Temos uma solução única que permite que nossos clientes gerenciem uma gama mais ampla de combustíveis no seu negócio, ao mesmo tempo que minimiza o investimento em tanques, tubos e outras infraestruturas. É uma bomba que pode efetivamente misturar os aditivos. O local não precisa ter um tanque dedicado para cada um dos tipos. Estamos ansiosos para alguns projetos relacionados a isso na América Latina. Também há uma maior demanda por gerenciamento de dados na bomba. Estamos trabalhando nos estágios iniciais dessa evolução - tendo a bomba como ferramenta para gerar uma quantidade mais rica de dados e informações sobre o posto. Acompanhar tanto o estado do equipamento quanto o comportamento do consumidor, o que auxilia na tomada de decisões de marketing. ​ Q: Você trabalhou na indústria de abastecimento de combustível na América Latina por mais de duas décadas. Como você vê o avanço da indústria? E quais são alguns de seus próprios objetivos como o Diretor Geral e Vice Presidente do DFS? A: Do lado pessoal, meu objetivo é continuar a contribuir para essa indústria como um todo. Para mim, é um privilégio ter liderado os dois maiores players do mercado de equipamentos para combustível. A indústria agora está trabalhando com as mesmas regras básicas de engajamento. Compliance é uma prioridade inegociável para todos os grandes players do mercado. Isso é muito positivo. Isso permite um crescimento sustentável. A América Latina provavelmente será um dos últimos a adotar novas tecnologias em combustíveis alternativos, especialmente aquelas relacionadas a hidrogênio e veículos elétricos. Isso vai acontecer eventualmente, mas a região será uma adotante tardia. Primeiro, devido à disponibilidade de combustíveis tradicionais; e segundo, a América Latina foi uma das primeiras a adotar algumas opções mais sustentáveis para o meio ambiente, como o etanol no Brasil. A maior parte dos negócios continuará focada em combustíveis líquidos com alta participação de petróleo. [Para empresas de tecnologia], também haverá uma transição para um portfólio mais amplo de produtos, incluindo softwares, soluções e serviços. Nenhuma empresa conseguirá sobreviver apenas vendendo bombas. Cada vez mais as bombas estão se tornando um componente tecnológico chave da operação. O investimento em novas tecnologias será fundamental no futuro. ​ ​ Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Are Your Finances Fuel Proof?: The Economic Importance of Wetstock Management | DoverFuelingSolution

    August 26, 2024 Are Your Finances Fuel Proof?: The Economic Importance of Wetstock Management ​ Profit is what drives business forward, but for forecourt owners, margins can be razor thin. When fuel prices rise beyond an owner’s control, fuel can even be sold at a loss to prevent customers from jumping ship to competitors. As a frequent loss leader, gas sales account for a large majority of revenue but a fraction of profits. Because of these small margins and intense competition, it is highly important that station owners keep track of wetstock as carefully as possible. Manually monitoring wetstock while operating the rest of the forecourt can be difficult, inefficient and, at worst, threaten the profitability of your business. Most owners have some form of wetstock management system and are familiar with tracking variances to account for inventory. However, there are a number of ways that wetstock can be mismanaged, more so than many forecourt owners realize. With over 60 ways an actual or perceived fuel loss can happen, station operators may be at more risk than their systems can detect. The most common types of actual or perceived fuel loss are due to delivery shortages, fuel theft, temperature fluctuations, tank leaks and meter drift. We’ll cover how these can affect your bottom line and how to analyze your wetstock management needs. Possible Perceived Fuel Loss Delivery Shortages: The process for getting fuel from a refinery to an underground tank at the forecourt is a complicated one. It can be easy for fuel to be lost in the process and unintentional shortages of fuel during deliveries are common. While shortages may be small at the time of delivery, losses can add up and, at the very least, cause an accounting imbalance. Promptly investigating variances after deliveries can help detect shortages and prevent future discrepancies. Automatic tank gauges can also help capture the delivery amount and detect differences between the anticipated and actual fuel volume. Wetstock monitoring services and systems are another method that can quickly measure and flag high variances before it impacts a station’s profitability. Wetstock management can also help determine when a perceived delivery shortage is a false alarm and is actually related to temperature fluctuations. Temperature Fluctuations: Temperature fluctuations are responsible for the majority of perceived fuel loss, or false alarms. In the delivery truck or fuel tank, fuel can expand or contract depending on the temperature outside in relation to the temperature inside. If it is cold outside, the fuel can contract in the delivery truck and cause a variance between the actual delivery and bill of lading. If the temperature is warmer outside, a fuel delivery can contract in the tank and result in the appearance of a loss without any discrepancy. Investigating the cause of a fuel loss can be a heavy financial burden if the answer is not simple. Some causes are easier to identify than others, but knowing when a discrepancy is false and could be resulting from temperature fluctuations or another perceived loss is essential to avoid wasting time and money. Wetstock management systems can reduce investigations of false alarms when deployed. In a case study of ten gas stations over a period of six months, DX Wetstock®, DFS’ wetstock management solution, collected and verified 4,000 alarms with less than 5% resulting in an escalation or site visit, compared to 20% of flags resulting in action without wetstock management solutions. With a significant reduction in unnecessary escalations and worry, DX Wetstock® proved effective in reducing financial investment in false fuel loss investigations. Possible Actual Fuel Loss Fuel Theft: While there’s not much data on how often these instances occur, there are new headlines about fuel theft incidents every week. Recently, a new fuel theft method was reported by the Texas Food and Fuel Association stating that suspects are getting inside fuel pump cabinets and manipulating the valve coil wire with 9-volt batteries. Most fuel theft deterrents do not work for this method and occurrences are on the rise, meaning the best defense is carefully monitoring fuel inventory. Hacks like this are a threat to small businesses and large networks alike. Many criminals target individually-owned stations that may not have advanced technology to detect such crimes, and because larger businesses have more forecourts, their reach increases the likelihood of being a victim. Additionally, when fuel prices rise, incidents of theft and fraud increase proportionately, and since fuel prices can be extremely volatile, it’s impossible to know exactly when price hikes will come. During these times, profit margins for forecourt owners are even slimmer than usual, and committed criminals can steal hundreds of gallons at a time. Therefore, it’s important for station operators to be prepared for theft versus recovering after the fact. Tank Leaks: Likely the most costly type of fuel loss is tank leaks. Fuel tanks are more susceptible to leaks as they age, creating risks for safety and profits. Because of environmental regulation, fuel tank leaks can be devastating for owners. According to EPA statistics, average cleanup costs for an undetected leak is approximately $130,000, excluding cost of lost fuel, fines and reputational impact. In the DFS case study, DX Wetstock ® detected 4 tank leaks, which lost over 2,000 gallons of fuel. Had the leaks continued for 12 months without detection, the incidents would have cost over $550,000 for the retailers! Given an average profit margin of $0.05 per gallon, it would take $11 million in fuel sales to recover the losses across these forecourts. Given the high fines, revenue loss and potential reputational damages, avoiding tank leaks is of the utmost importance to forecourt owners. But, as DFS found, not all leaks are detected as early as possible and the time-to-response can make a large financial impact. Meter Drift: Another consequence of aging equipment is increased likelihood for meter drift. While investing in dispensers and meters that can handle your site traffic and require less steps for calibration will help improve longevity, meter drift can still occur. Meter drift happens when wear and tear on the meter causes dispensers to deliver more fuel than accounted for. Meter drift rarely causes less fuel to be dispensed, only more, which can significantly affect profitability until the error is caught. The DX Wetstock® case study also monitored meter drift occurrences and identified two instances of over-dispensing meters that were responsible for nearly 600 gallons of loss. Had the meter drift not been detected for 12 months, an estimated 7,400 gallons of fuel would have been lost. At an average price of $3.50 per gallon, the loss over a year would amount to nearly $26,000 in revenue. As meters age and become more susceptible to drift, other equipment may be aging too and need further maintenance. To avoid compounding maintenance costs, along with unexpected service costs, lost revenue from equipment downtime, fines due to non-compliance, warranty cost recovery, and unsuccessful accident claims, asset management solutions are available. Automated compliance and maintenance trackers can help relieve the financial burden of maintaining forecourt equipment, and when used in tandem with proper wetstock management, provide an end-to-end equipment solution that helps lower financial risk. Considering meter drift tends to occur because of aging equipment, forecourt owners may already be concerned with tank leaks and updating other systems at the same time. Losing fuel due to meter drift during this time when profit is necessary for repairs can be devastating and getting ahead of such errors using wetstock management systems that fit your business’ needs can help prevent financial squeezes. Upgrading Wetstock Management So how do you know if you need to update your wetstock management tools? The first step is making a realistic assessment of the current wetstock management capabilities. While many retailers may think their basic wetstock management is satisfactory, DFS has found through looking at their programs more closely that fuel loss, data errors and operational inefficiencies are present in most instances , according to the DX Wetstock® case study. Forecourt owners should then determine how committed their organization is to digital solutions, like DX Wetstock®. If continually improving your efficiency and leveraging technology to protect your site is of priority and budget allows, investing in more modern wetstock management technology could be a wise change. Finally, think about the long-term improvements you can make to your wetstock management. Rather than updating systems after a loss occurs, get ahead of incidents by modernizing your organization and increasing foresight. Even if the current technology has been performing well, exploring options that could improve operations in the future can set up your business for success in an increasingly competitive industry. ​ Useful Links: Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Innovating in an Unprecedented Year | DoverFuelingSolution

    Sep 2, 2021 Innovating in an Unprecedented Year Kendra Keller, Vice President & General Manager, North America Industry leader Kendra Keller shares her insights on how Dover Fueling Solutions® continued to innovate in 2020, which was an unprecedented year for everyone. Kendra discusses her team’s challenges, how the team overcame those challenges to continue to support customers, where she sees the industry going, and more. Kendra is the GM & VP, North America at Dover Fueling Solutions® and has over 20 years of experience with a long tenure at DFS. Kendra rose through the ranks and now leads DFS’ largest regional business segment. ----- Q: It’s no surprise that the past year and a half has been difficult for everyone. What has been your biggest surprise in the industry? How has DFS had to pivot? What have you been most proud of? KK: I was in this role for maybe six months when the pandemic hit. I kicked off the year in 2020 thinking this would be the best year ever, we had the EMV liability shift date coming up, we were launching the Anthem UX® – everything was lined up to be great. The pandemic hit and everything was turned upside down, but what I’m most proud of is that our teams stepped up and didn’t allow anything to get in the way of delivering on our strategic initiatives. We could have stopped, but what we saw right away was our distributors were still out in the field and our industry wasn’t slowing down. As an essential business, our production kept running. We quickly decided we weren’t going to let the pandemic be an excuse. We worked through numerous supply chain disruptions, we were still able to achieve great results for EMV, but the best thing was that we were able to launch a product like Anthem UX® in the middle of the pandemic. There were so many obstacles and many times where we heard, “we can’t do that because of COVID.” We would come back and challenge each other and ask, “why can’t we do it?” Maybe there is another way we can do this. The incredible way our customers responded made all of the hard work worth it. We had to find new ways to interact with them and we had to ensure we could keep delivering on our commitments to them. Despite everything thrown our way, we still had a great year and were able to do great things. ----- Q: Over the past few years, DFS has made significant implementations in the product portfolio. It now includes Anthem UX®, the DFS DX™ connected solutions platform and a wealth of partners. What are the driving factors behind such an aggressive portfolio expansion and why is this so important to DFS? KK: We are aligned as a company to be the leader in innovation and technology. It’s not just DFS who is aligned with this goal, our parent company Dover Corporation is also aligned. They are willing to invest in us. Through our partnerships with Tech:niche and EdgePetrol, just to name a few, and acquisitions we’ve made, like AvaLAN, it’s clear we are seen as innovators in technology, and Dover® is willing to invest in us and support us in that endeavor. But it goes further for us than acquisitions and partnerships. What’s really exciting is our investment in our new products like Anthem UX® and DFS DX™. It’s encouraging to know we will continue to launch new, ground-breaking products and create opportunities to partner and acquire technology. Our commitment to deliver all of this to our customers and meet their expectations as the technology leader in the industry is our ongoing priority. ----- Q: How do you see the industry evolving from where it has been to where it is today? KK: Customers recognize the margin on fuel varies, and that can’t be the only place to make money. Site owners are trying to find creative ways to drive an increase in revenue. They realize technology can help to increase customer loyalty and foot traffic, drive more in-store sales, lower the cost of ownership, drive efficiencies at the site and much more. Five years ago, they weren’t ready to have those conversations. With tighter margins, they are looking for additional revenue opportunities and our solutions can provide the value they are looking for. Customers are finally realizing technology can help. Q: Innovation matters. And while the inside of c-stores has really evolved, the forecourt has been stagnant for decades, if not a century. What was your first reaction when you heard about the Anthem UX®? KK: When we first kicked off discussions about Anthem UX®, I thought it was great. You see it, with the 27-inch touchscreen, and its slick and modern and looks amazing. But when you dive deeper and start to unpack the Anthem’s true capabilities and the benefits the platform brings, it’s truly amazing. We are just getting started. There are opportunities to stack additional functionality, interface with other software and applications and so much more. The possibilities are truly limitless. Q: How are your customers and the industry as a whole responding to this new technology? KK: Our customers truly love it. Anthem UX® is a different type of product, a “game changer” as we often hear. Our tagline is “seeing is believing” which couldn’t be more true. It does require a different type of selling on the true value of the solution, and customers really want to see it in the field. We talk about it and we show demos and presentations, but they want to see it in action, hence the recent kick off of our DFS Technology Roadshow. Q: What are you most excited about for the rest of the year? KK: We continue to see challenges in the business with extreme supply chain disruption and ongoing management of the impacts of the pandemic on our employees, customers and suppliers. However, despite all of that, we continue to deliver value to our customers and meet their expectations. We have managed to maintain our lead time to customers at competitive levels, we continue to make progress on new product initiatives, and market adoption and interest in Anthem UX® is on the rise. Our team is excited about the unlimited possibilities we can provide, and our customers are too. It takes a lot from each and every one of us to be where we are today. We wouldn’t be here without all of our amazing employees and their relentless commitment to DFS. We will continue to face challenges but I feel confident we can work together through any obstacles we face. I think it’s so important that we continue to develop new innovative products but know there are endless possibilities with the current products we have. For the past 10 years I’ve been with DFS, my passion for the company and the employees only continues to grow. One of the greatest things about DFS is the commitment and enthusiasm our employees have towards DFS. There’s been an industry shift though, and I see that level of excitement outside the walls at DFS and pouring into the community. The best is yet to come for us. We are aligned, we are customer focused, we are execution champions. The opportunities are truly limitless for us. ----- Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Everything You Need to Know About Automated Fuel Dispensers | DoverFuelingSolution

    Apr 23, 2021 Everything You Need to Know About Automated Fuel Dispensers ​ Do you remember when gas stations featured attendants who filled up your tank and wiped down your windshield? Do you remember having to rush inside to the service counter every time you needed to pay for gas? For most Americans, those days are over. While some states still feature attendants who pump your gas, it's increasingly common to encounter self-service pumps. This style of pump is easy to use and convenient, and it helps you get in and out of the gas station in record time. Self-service pumps usually have automated fuel dispensers. These allow customers to pay by card and pump their own gas. Keep reading below to learn more about automated fuel dispensers. You'll quickly realize why they are a staple in most modern-day gas stations! What Is an Automated Fuel Dispenser? An automated fuel dispenser (or AFD) allows customers to pay for their gas and pump it themselves. When a customer swipes a credit card at a gas pump that is equipped with an AFD, an authorization request goes out to that customer's bank. At this point, the customer will be prompted to enter cardholder verification information. This might be a PIN or a ZIP code. If the authorization goes through, the customer can select their fuel grade and pump their gas without the help of an attendant. Later, after the customer has completed their transaction, billing information is transmitted and the customer's account is billed. Customers also have the option to pay with cash or a debit card. AFDs were first patented in the 1970s. In the years since then, they have revolutionized the way that people buy gas. With the introduction of these automated systems, attendants are no longer required to work at every pump. AFDs help customers get in and out of gas stations quickly with fewer employees present. This means less wait time for customers and greater capacity for gas stations. Many AFDs now include cloud-based fuel management systems. These cloud systems use cutting-edge technology to provide up-to-date information about fuel usage. They can tell you how much fuel you have sold, provide information on fuel loss, and more. Cloud-based technology is easy to install and can oftentimes sync with computers and smartphone apps for easy monitoring. What Are the Risks of Automated Fuel Dispensers? One of the biggest concerns related to automated fuel dispensers is fraud. As these systems rise in popularity, fraudsters try to outsmart them. AFDs do not require the presence of an active attendant. They are therefore more vulnerable to certain kinds of fraud. An automated fuel dispensing system can be subjected to fraud if a customer fraudulently requests a refund on their gas purchase. This is called "chargeback fraud" and is increasingly common. In fact, according to some estimates, up to 95% of all chargebacks are fraudulent. Fraudsters might also use card skimmers to steal the credit card data of customers. Skimmers are small electronic devices that connect to card readers. SIGNS OF FRAUD Fraud is sometimes hard to detect, but if you know what to watch for you can identify warning signs. There are several suspicious activities that gas station employees should watch out for. Be on the lookout for a single customer using more than one pump during the same visit. Also worrisome is a customer offering to use their card to pay for another customer's gas in exchange for cash. One or more customers should not fill multiple vehicles in the same AFD transaction. A customer should not fill large containers with gas. All of these activities suggest that someone is purposefully running up a big gas bill. They might later dispute this charge in an act of chargeback fraud. PREVENTING FRAUD There are several steps that gas stations can take to prevent fraud before it happens. First, inspect your gas pumps to make sure that no one has attached malware to them. Card skimming is on the rise and is sometimes hard to catch. When looking for card skimmers, you should look for materials or colors that don't match the fuel dispensing system design, misaligned graphics, and signs of tampering. Gas stations can also use the fraud mitigation tools offered by major credit card companies. If your AFDs accept brands like Visa or Mastercard, look into the fraud protections that they offer. Programs like Visa Transaction Advisor use predictive analytics to stop transactions that try to use lost or stolen cards. Finally, make sure your AFD can process chip cards, which are much more secure than non-chip cards. Even if you can process chip cards, stay vigilant. These cards can still be skimmed, although it's more difficult. Pros and Cons of Automated Fuel Dispensers AFDs are hugely popular, and for good reason. But that doesn't mean that they are flawless. Here are some of the main pros and cons of AFDs. PROS OF AUTOMATED FUEL DISPENSERS AFDs are up-to-date modern systems that can accommodate current technology trends. As mentioned above, current AFD models can process chip cards, which are relatively secure and increasingly popular among customers. In fact, AFDs can accept multiple different kinds of payment. This allows the customer to pay for gas no matter their preferred payment method. They allow gas stations to efficiently track sales with the use of a digital register. This eliminates the need for paper tickets. Also, many automated fuel dispenser companies offer support teams who can help gas stations resolve any issues that arise with the system. CONS OF AUTOMATED FUEL DISPENSERS The biggest con of AFDs is that they are often the target of fraud. Also, because of the technological knowledge required to troubleshoot a broken AFD, repair time can be relatively long. Contact Us for All Your Fuel Needs! If you're looking for more information about automated fuel dispensers, contact our team of experts at Dover Fueling Solutions. We offer innovative fuel dispensing equipment, electronic payment systems, and more. With facilities all over the world and products sold in more than 150 countries, we're here for all your needs. No matter where you are, we have the products for all your fuel needs! Useful Links http://AFD Patent: Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • DFS held its 2024 User Conference in Austin | DoverFuelingSolution

    April 11, 2024 DFS held its 2024 User Conference in Austin ​ DFS Held its 2024 User Conference in Austin the week of March 25, and this year’s theme was “Accelerate: Full Speed Ahead” – a total success! ​ We hosted over 300 attendees, made up of industry innovators, DFS partners and customers for two days packed with presentations and discussions focused on progressing fueling and convenience retail in the areas of: - Maximizing profitability and increasing customer loyalty through top-notch experiences - Embracing shifting fuel demands and building winning strategies for clean energy evolution - Automating and driving site efficiency for optimal productivity and reduced operations expenses - Ensuring secure payments and connectivity for site managers and customers ​ The conference generated tons of buzz from our powerhouse panels and fire-side chats. Hot topics included understanding how c-stores can leverage trailblazing technology like artificial intelligence while others discussed the power of loyalty and driving brand obsession and an enhanced consumer experience. We even had a soft launch of our NA EV charger and received overwhelmingly positive feedback while generating many customer inquiries. ​ Hats off to all our DFS team members who spent months of planning amazing content and securing top-notch speakers while also working to ensure as many customers as possible could attend! It was truly a remarkable conference. ​ Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Learn more about the Windshield Fluid Dispenser | DoverFuelingSolution

    Jan 19, 2022 Learn more about the Windshield Fluid Dispenser ​ Customers often think about Dover Fueling Solutions® as a trusted leader in equipment for fuel dispensing and wetstock management, but we offer products, services and solutions for many other parts of a forecourt. We sat down with Siobhan Finch, Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS) EMEA Product Manager for the Wayne Helix® fuel dispenser line, based in the UK, and Mats Ohlsson, DFS Regional Sales Manager, located in Sweden, to find out more about the latest addition to the Wayne Helix® product portfolio: the Wayne Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser. ​ 1. What is the primary function of the Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser? OHLSSON: The Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser was predominantly created to provide forecourt users with a dispenser than could accurately refill a vehicles windshield fluid, while avoiding unnecessary spillage. FINCH: Not only that, but this dispenser also eliminates the use of single-use plastic bottles when replenishing a vehicle's windshield fluid. 2. How does the Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser work? What DFS technology does it utilise? OHLSSON: Our Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser uses state-of-the-art, field-proven and technologically-advanced global components. This means everything inside the dispenser, from the highly-accurate meter and proportional valves, to our dispenser head with LCD display, delivers unparalleled reliability and high precision. 3. How does this prevent waste, and how accurate is your windshield fluid dispenser? FINCH: With this dispenser, you only pay for the amount of fluid you need, as our DFS piston meter technology measures out the fluid to the same accuracy as when metering conventional fuel. And because the nozzle stops when the vehicle’s fluid tank is full, there is no waste — compared to plastic bottles, where some fluid might be left in the bottle if all did not fit. ​ 4. What initially prompted you to begin selling windshield fluid dispensers? OHLSSON: Customer insight! Our customers asked for a solution that could work alongside existing fuel dispensers, card terminals and point-of-sale (POS) solutions on their sites. The Helix® 1000 Windshield Fluid dispenser met this need. FINCH: Working alongside our distributors in Sweden, we identified a need for a solution to accurately replenishing a vehicle’s windshield fluid instead of using plastic bottles. The Helix® 1000 Windshield Fluid dispenser was created to meet this need. 5. You mention this dispenser is an “environmentally-friendly” solution. Can you elaborate? OHLSSON: Less plastic is good for the environment, and as mentioned before, this solution eliminates the need to use single use plastic bottles, which is how windshield fluid is traditional sold. FINCH: Also, we avoid exposing waste into the environment, because a nozzle is more intuitive to use than plastic bottles, resulting in avoidance of the typically experience of spillage and overfills. ​ 6. Where in the world can you already find a Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser? OHLSSON: Predominantly in our Nordic markets, in particular Sweden, and the number of customers is increasing. The main benefit for the motorist is that they can easily fill up the amount of fluid they need to replenish their vehicle, while the forecourt owner can increase his/her margin, as there is less waste (no use of single-use plastic bottles to refill windshield fluid) and more space on the forecourt or in storage, as they don’t have to stock pallets of plastic bottles full of windshield fluid). 7. How will it add value to a forecourt? FINCH: The Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser would be a great addition to any forecourt by allowing motorists to replenish windshield fluid on the same forecourt they visit to check tyre pressure, fill up water reservoirs and refuel. OHLSSON: We see more and more customers taking actions to reduce their global footprint, and this dispenser is the perfect addition for those looking to reduce their plastic waste. 8. Where can I learn more and how can you order a Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser? OHLSSON: The Helix® 1000 windshield fluid dispenser is MID certified (a non-MID certified variant is also available). And customers, or interested parties, can contact a local sales representative to for further details or to place an order. FINCH: Alternatively, you can visit the Dover Fueling Solutions website to learn more at www.doverfuelingsolutions/helix ​ Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

  • Unlock Impulse Buying with T-Media by Dover Fueling Solutions® to Boost Sales and Profit Margins | DoverFuelingSolution

    June 28, 2021 Unlock Impulse Buying with T-Media by Dover Fueling Solutions® to Boost Sales and Profit Margins ​ Retailers understand the phenomenon of impulse purchasing extremely well. That’s why checkout counters are packed full of inexpensive, but often high-margin items, such as sweets, crisps, chewing gum and beverages. According to many psychologists, the spontaneous urge for humans to spend money is rooted in the principle of “loss aversion,” i.e., the desire not to miss out on something and feel bad about it later. Since consumers spend on average three to four minutes at the dispenser while refueling their cars, this time is the perfect opportunity to tap into their impulse-buying tendency by promoting products and services right at the fuel dispenser itself, using T-Media from Dover Fueling Solutions® (DFS). ​ T-Media™ is a digital marketing solution that turns your fuel dispenser into a promotional powerhouse. Instead of making use of static graphics that can be easily ignored, a high-resolution digital screen commands the customer’s attention by displaying colorful text, images, video and sound. It’s perfect for promoting products and driving traffic into your store — especially if the goods are on sale or part of a promotion. It can also be used to upsell higher-grade fuels — which have greater profit margins for the retailer — and advertise on-site services like car washes. You don’t need to worry about motorists ignoring your messages either, because the display is located at the same focal point as the sales and volume information, making your adverts hard to miss. ​ T-Media™ is very easy and intuitive to use. You don’t need to be an IT expert to create, upload and schedule the promotions you’d like to run. T-Media™ allows you to easily deploy advertisements and targeted messaging across individual pumps, a specific site or your entire network using simple drag-and-drop functionality facilitated by DFS’ secure, cloud-based web-tool. Unlike competitive products, you can also access T-Media™ remotely, from anywhere there’s a Wi-Fi connection, 24/7. Furthermore, T-Media’s™ cloud-to-cloud integration via its Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to integrate the content on your indoor screens with those on the forecourt. The ability to synchronize inside and outside messages enhances their impact on motorists. ​ You already know how important timing can be relative to securing a sale. T-Media™ helps you maximize the timing of your messages in a variety of ways. The message you play can be synced with the motorists’ actions in terms of the fueling process itself: from idling, to fueling, to ending the transaction. For example, you could prompt a motorist to choose the benefits of a premium fuel right before they select a fuel type to encourage them to invest in the higher margin grade. Or you can offer a motorist a deal on a car wash during fueling. You can also target your messaging by day, or time of day, such as running coffee advertising in the morning, sandwich specials at lunchtime and lottery tickets at night. Because it’s so quick and easy to update your playlist, you can even leverage real-time events to your benefit, like offering a discounted car wash following bad weather, where their vehicles are more likely to need cleaning. It’s all up to you; T- Media™ makes it easy. To learn more about how to boost your sales and profit margins with T-Media™ from DFS, contact your local DFS representative or visit our website. Useful Links Back to DFS Insights Speak to an Expert ​

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