Creemos en la elección
En DFS, creemos que usted se merece lo mejor. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de consolas con calibrador de depósito, diseñadas para ofrecer el nivel de funcionalidad perfecto para su negocio de combustible, sea cual sea el tamaño o el propósito. Nuestros productos le permiten crear un sistema de gestión integral de la información sobre el combustible que puede manejar eficientemente una serie de cuestiones relacionadas con los depósitos y las estaciones de servicio. Las funcionalidades avanzadas, como la gestión centralizada de los emplazamientos, la conciliación precisa de los inventarios y el análisis de prevención de pérdidas, proporcionan un nivel aún más alto de capacidad de gestión del combustible.
Alerts and Notifications
The alerts and notifications module provides you with an immediate overview of the status of your network and quickly identifies potential problems. You can receive messages for issues such as ‘out of stock’, fuel loss and fraud alarms, as well as the running out of paper on your payment terminals.
Price Management
This module gives you an overview of the price structure in your network and allows you to manage prices centrally. You can easily change fuel prices for standard and alternative fuels, while incorporating any loyalty or fuel card discounts.
Sales Management
The sales management module provides an overview on fuel sales and gives an accurate indication on the performance of each of the stations within your network. Performance can be viewed by hour, day, week, or month and a comparison across all of your fuel sites is available.
Easy Connection to Wetstock Management
Tokheim Petrol Manager™ connects easily to the tank gauge and provides simple, clear graphics to give you an overview of the stock per tank, tank group and fuel type.
In addition, the application provides perspectives on fuel sales and gives an indication of the performance of each station within your network.